- All of these were fresh and unknown to Shangguan who just now crept out of the yellow clay room of the reforming farm. His anxious heart sunk even more. 这一切,都让刚刚从劳改农场的黄土屋里钻出来的上官金童感到新鲜、陌生,那惴惴不安的心情更加沉重了。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- He fashioned the clay into a jar. 他用粘土做成一个陶土罐子。
- The math exam was a clay pigeon. 数学考试非常容易。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- All the can shoot is a clay pigeon. 他所能射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- He fashioned the clay into a pot. 他用粘土做成一把壶。
- The furniture in the room was placed askew. 屋子里的家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。
- The artist started with a big lump of clay. 艺术家用一大块黏土开始雕塑。
- The dog kept nosing about the room this morning. 这狗今天在屋里不断地闻来闻去。
- The president had feet of clay: he drank a lot. 总裁有个致命的弱点:他好喝酒。
- The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。
- She went out of the room in a huff. 她怒冲冲地走出了房间。
- He made a clay model of the Eiffel Tower. 他做了一个艾菲尔铁塔的黏土模型。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- The clay figure is a work of great originality. 这尊泥人是颇具独创性的作品。
- He came into the room with a sword in his hand. 他手里拿着剑走进了房间。