- Hobbs, Western political philosophy provides two main justifications: the classical theory of contract and utilitarianism. 自霍布斯以来,西方政治哲学提供了两种主要的证明,即古典契约论和功利主义。
- classical theory of contract 古典契约理论
- classic theory of contract 古典契约论
- Mass advertising could negate the classical theory of supply and demand. 大宗广告可以否定古典经济学的供求理论。
- Einstein's general theory of relativity is what is called a classical theory. 爱因斯坦的相对论被称为一种经典理论。
- The standard form of contract displays predictably in the form and doesn't negotiate in content.The standard form of contract remodels the classical freedom theory of contract. 格式合同在形式上表现为预定性、不可协商性、格式合同是对古典契约自由理论的修正。
- Influenced by the classical theory of evolution, Chinese scholars of the 20th century hold the view that Houji was born inductively of totemism. 摘要在古典进化论的指导下,20世纪的中国学者对后稷的感生神话大多作图腾主义的解释。
- The logical effective radius was selected, and the propagation properties of TIR-PCF were discussed with the classical theory of step-index fiber. 选择了较合理的有效半径,利用经典的阶跃光纤理论来研究光子晶体光纤的传输特性。
- Secondly, it comes from the theory of contract of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. 第二,霍布斯和洛克的契约思想。
- The first stage could be called Classical Theory of Medical Morality,or Pre-Medical Ethics,with evident character of virtue ethics and deontology. 第一个阶段是前医学伦理学时期,可称为古典医德学,德性论和义务论的特征非常明显。
- It's clearly a breach of contract. 这显然是违反了合同。
- The authors characterize their early review of Newton's classical theory of gravitation, for example, as "a gentle workout in the foothills before we head for the dizzy heights. 这两个理论是霍金构筑他自己理论的两根支柱,目前他正试图把二者兼容为一个总括性的理论。
- Keynes first proposed static theory of interest rate parity in 1923.Subsequently, Einzig really finished the classical theory of IRP with the dynamic theory of IRP. 自凯恩斯提出利率平价静态理论后,艾因齐格(Einzig)以利率平价动态理论真正完成了古典利率平价理论体系。
- The expiration of contract is coming. 合同快到期了。
- Based on the classical theory of electromagnetism, the relation and the difference between OAM and the parameter of the beam in paraxial approximation are analyzed. 从经典电磁场理论出发,主要介绍了傍轴近似条件下,光束的轨道角动量和光束的参数之间的关系。
- L. D. Landau and E, M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Fourth Revised English Edition, Reprinted by Beijing World Publishing, Corporation, 1999. (中译本:温伯格,引力论和宇宙论,邹振隆,张历宁等译,科学出版社,1980)
- He was technically in breach of contract. 严格按照法律条文来讲,他是违约了。
- It seems that even if the IAU had kept Pluto's status as a planet, the classical theory of nine planets in the solar system would have had to be changed, but the other way around. 译:由此看来,即使国际天文学联合会保住冥王星的行星地位,经典的太阳系九大行星理论也仍然要改,只是改法相反而已。
- They sued for breach of contract. 他们以违反合同为由提出诉讼。
- In the field of fractal image coding,classic theory of quadtree and different kinds of modified algorithms are used,promoting the accuracy of the coding. 摘要 在分形图像编码领域,四叉树经典理论及各种各样的改进算法越来越多地被运用,不断地提升编码方法的正确性。