- We discuss the model of classical risk process perturbed by diffusion in an economic environment, and obtain many calculational formulae on premium according to different premium principles. 摘要讨论了经济环境下带干扰的古典风险模型,并按照不同保费计算原理给出了多种保费计算公式。
- There is a limitation to the classical risk process,in this paper we discuss multiple line risk process with a stochastic return.we present the expression for the ruin probability. 由于经典模型的局限性;本文讨论了带随机投资收益的多险种风险过程;给出了破产概率的简单表达式.
- classical risk process with constant interest force 常利率古典风险模型
- Ruin probability for the classical risk process perturbed by diffusion in an economic environment 经济环境下带扩散扰动古典风险过程的破产概率
- The Joint Distributions of Some Extrema for the Classical Risk Process Perturbed by Diffusion 带扰动古典风险模型下的一些极值的联合分布
- The expected discounted penalty function at ruin during the classical risk process with deterministic return on investment 带有确定投资回报的经典风险过程下的破产时罚金折现期望
- classical risk process 古典风险模型
- Sparre Andersen risk model is put forward based on the classic risk model by E. Sparre Andersen风险模型是由E.
- The classical risk model and the Sparre Andersen model are introduced in the second one. 第二章介绍了经典风险模型及Sparre Andersen模型;
- This paper presents a qualitative method of risk analysis for Network according to classical risk analysis and uses this method to analysis a LAN Network. 本文从古典的风险分析入手,提出了网络安全风险分析的一种方法,并应用该方法,对某个证券公司营业部局域网中一种资产进行了分析。
- This paper presents the Model of Risk Analytic Hierarchy about Ne twork Security according to classical Risk Analysis and uses this model to analy se a LAN Network. 本文从古典的风险分析入手,提出了网络安全风险层次分析模型,并用该模型对某个公司的局域网进行了风险分析。
- It is proper that a risk process with large claims is modelled as the Markovian risk model. 具有大额索赔的风险过程用此马氏风险模型来描述是适合的。
- Key words Risk process, the surplus immediatly before ruin, the deficit at ruin, twice continuous differentiability, integro-differential equation. 本刊中 包含“风险过程; 破产前瞬间盈余; 破产时赤字; 连续性及二次连续可微性; 积分--微分方程.
- Finally we add risk process perturbed by diffusion to the model because insurance companies have indefinite income and payout. 最后,由于保险公司还有一些不确定的收支,所以本文又加入了随机干扰项。
- The deductible and limits of claim are considered in risk process.The ruin probability is got in the risk process under limits of claim. 摘要在风险过程中考虑了免赔额及其赔偿限额对风险过程的影响,得到理赔额受限下的风险过程的破产概率。
- By virtue of studying the properties and the application of the expected discounted penalty function at ruin, this dissertation is devoted to achieving three aspects of work as follows:1. In the classical risk model, Hans U. Gerber and Elias S. W. 一.;Hans U
- Despite the monogenetic origin of familial hypercholesterolemia, the incidence of coronary heart disease varies considerably among patients, which is only partly explained by classical risk factors. 冠心病发病率的个体差异相当大可能与几项经典危险因子相关。其中高血压是与血管紧张素原水平相关的冠心病的重要危险因子。
- So instead we defined a risk process that captured exactly what the team does and then trained new personnel in the organization's expected risk management behavior. 因此,我们另外定义了一个风险过程来真正地记录团队做了什么,然后对新人培训组织所期望的风险管理行为。
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故。