- The bidirectional characteristic of Chinese language results in two styles of classical literary criticism in China, characterized by terseness and redundancy, respectively. 摘要汉字的“象性”构造和多样性外衍指向,使古代文论的表达具有简约和繁复两种风格。对于深刻的义理用以少总多或具象隐喻“一语而尽”;
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- classical literary criticism 古代文论
- Classic Literary Criticism 古典文论
- The judicial function of a literary critic. 文学评论家的评判职责
- Why Literary Criticism is Responsible? 文学批评为什么负责?
- He is severe in his literary criticism. 他的文学批评十分严苛。
- Studying the modern course of classical Chinese literary criticism, we will desert the unrealistically optimistic or pessimistic attitude. 而对中国古代文学理论现代历程的考察,可以让我们摒弃那种盲目乐观或悲观的态度。
- A literary critic shall not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观。
- A literary critic should not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观.
- Therefore, I reiterate, literary criticism is useless. 因此我说,文学批评家无用。
- An ancient Indic language that is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas and is the classical literary language of India. 梵文一种古印度语,为印度及吠陀经所用文字,也是印度的古典文学语言
- Does the "New Left" Exist in the Present Literary Criticism Circle? 当前文艺批评界存在"新左派"吗?
- The realism and romanticism in his poems stood for a “new leve l" of Chinese classical literary history. 其思想站在“时代前沿”,其诗歌中的现实主义与浪漫主义,创造了中国古代文学史的“新高度”。
- "Scold and adulation", cause the silence of literary criticism. “骂杀与捧杀”,导致评论萎缩,是文学衰寂的重要原因。 文艺评论需要实事求是的态度。
- The famous classic literary novel Pilgrimage to the West is also a political science work. 古典文学名著神话小说《西游记》其实也是一部政治学著作。
- The Jushezhe and A Maini School has its ethnological feathers because it has enriched the classical literary theory of China. 举奢哲与阿买妮学派具有民族特色的成果,丰富了中国古代文学理论的内容。
- But he has not learned to enjoy things like classical literary works,which are probably indigestible for him . In the end,he could only stand by to watch. 可是他对于这些古典文学,还不会欣赏。大概因为吃不消,终于没有动手。
- The revolting articles in literary revolution declared the expiry of Chinese classic literary theory and the rise of modern literary theory. 以文学革命的发难文章为标志,正式宣告了中国古典文学理论的终结和现代文学理论的兴起。
- In literary criticism the traditionalists were more articulate and aggressive. 传统主义者更善于文学批评,而且行动积极。