- classical language education 教会学校
- Classical language has been popularly learnt from the ancient times on. 自古以来,欧洲就崇尚古典语言教育。
- Welcome to centre of language and language education of CCNU! 歡迎光臨华中语言网!
- She is well versed in classical languages. 她在古文方面很精通
- Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、佛教和耆那教的祭礼语言。
- Scrivener, J.Learning Teaching.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002. 王银泉.;报刊英语教学在英语综合运用能力培养中的地位和作用
- What can criterions afford to native language education in the process? 语文课程标准在此过程中究竟应该为语文教育提供什么?
- In recent years,there has been an increasing demand for Chinese language education among US students. 近几年里,越来越多的美国学生开始学习中文。
- Appreciating this situation, we continue to promote international communication through Japanese language education. 我们充分认识到这种情况,今后更将通过日语教育积极推动真正的国际交流。
- Latin is a classical language. 拉丁语是希腊语。
- The first involved teaching EFL to pre-service teachers who were on our four-year English as a Foreign Language Education Programme. 首先,我是一名英语教师,教授这所大学四年制英语教育专业学生,即职前教师的英语。
- In those days the ruling classes indoctrinated students with Confucian teachings and compelled the people to venerate all the trappings of Confucianism as religious dogma, and all writers used the classical language. 那时的统治阶级都拿孔夫子的道理教学生,把孔夫子的一套当作宗教教条一样强迫人民信奉,做文章的人都用文言文。
- Though the importance of English language education is being stressed in the movement to internationalize community, We are lagging. 尽管在国际化社会的运动中,正强调著英语教育的重要,但是我们却是落后的。
- Henry had demonstrated excellence in translating from the classical languages at his senior examination. 亨利在四年级的考试中显示出他擅长于古典文学的翻译。
- To enhance language education, the Government has also set language proficiency requirements for teachers of English and Putonghua. 同时,为了加强语文教育,政府为英文科和普通话科教师制定了语文能力要求。
- In 325 aphasia patients, grade criterion of the boston diagnostic aphasia grade 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 were 84, 79, 77, 63, 22 cases respectively and many of 0 and 1 grade were distributed classical language centers. 波士顿诊断性失语严重程度分级标准评定结果:0级84例,1级79例,2级77例,3级63例,4级22例,其中失语严重程度为0级、1级的患者多为经典的语言中枢受累。
- Stern H.H1978,Bilingual schooling and foreign language education:some implications of Canadian experiments in French immersion[J]Alatis,pp165-188. 吕良环.;谈双语教学与双语教师的在职英语培训[J]
- TUDOR, IAN. Learner-centredness as language education [M]. London:Cambridge University Press 1997. 邵瑞珍.;教育心理学[M]
- In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for Chinese language education among US students. 近几年里,越来越多的美国学生开始学习中文。
- And if nothing else, "Hareios Poter Kai he tou Philosophou Lithos," will give struggling students of classical languages something to read besides Aeschylus and Aristotle. 这证明除了威尔逊先生的家人外,还有人愿意为这本书的精装版花下差不多15美元。