- classic gardens in Suzhou 苏州园林
- Most gardens in Suzhou used to be private residences. 苏州的大多数园林过去是私人宅第。
- Classical Gardens in Suzhou 《苏州古典园林》
- What's so special in the style that makes gardens in Suzhou different from any other gardens elsewhere? 苏州园林的风格到底有什么特别之处使得它与其它地方的园林大不一样?
- Gardens in Suzhou are delicate and etiquette, and are well-known throughout the world. 小桥流水,景色优美;苏州园林,小巧精致,闻名遐迩。
- The gardens in the area south of the Yangtze are the best in China, but those in Suzhou beat all the others. 江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。
- Park northeast of the two-story semi-Zhongyan pavilions, gardens in Suzhou by only see. 园东北部的二层半重檐楼阁,为苏州园林所仅见。
- Deeply rooted in traditional Chinese literature and painting art, the freehand style in Suzhou classical gardens is the pursuit of the literati garden owners. 这种手法是中华民族直觉顿悟思维方式的表现,是中国传统诗画的延伸,并与文人园园主的关系密切。
- This house is located in the Shanghai Office Matsuyama tourist spots Sheshan feet, the two gardens in Suzhou urban lots of gold. 上海的这处豪宅地处松山风景旅游区佘山脚下,苏州的两座园林都在市区的黄金地段。
- Taiwan Garden in Suzhou Taihu southwest of Changsha City on the island as the Acura around the Taihu lake villas. 宝岛花园位于苏州市西南太湖中的长沙岛上,成为由太湖环绕的极品水景别墅区。
- He crossed the garden in three leaps. 他跳三步就跨过了花园。
- Manufacturing base: In Suzhou industry garden! 生产基地:在苏州工业园!
- I haven't seen your garden in daylight before. 我以前还没有在白天看过你的花园呢。
- With its perfect layout, magnificent buildings and enchanting landscape, the Summer Palace is the most splendid classical garden in China. 颐和园规模宏大,布局精巧,建筑华美,风光绮丽,是中国现存的最富丽的古典园林。
- With its perfect.layout, magnificent buildings and enchanting landscape, the Summer Palace is the most splendid classical garden in China. 颐和园规模宏大,布局精巧,建筑华美,风光绮丽,是中国现存的最富丽的古典园林。
- There is a botanical garden in Paris. 巴黎有个植物园。
- A Probe into the Nomenclature of Gardens in Suzhou 苏州园林命名之探微
- Suzhou is noted forits beautiful classical gardens. 苏州以其优美的古典园林而闻名天下。
- Trying to keep this garden in order is the despair of my life. 把这个花园管理好是我力不能及的事。
- It's produced in Suzhou and Hangzhou. 在苏州和杭州生产丝绸。