- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal. 过了几天洪水才退,生活恢复了正常。
- Miss another class and you'll fail. 你再缺一次课就会不及格的。
- The wise man reads both books and life itself. 智者同时读书本及人生。
- He faced the class and began to speak. 他面对全体学生开始讲话。
- The painting is imbued with energy and life. 那幅画充满活力和生命。
- Class and a time when the change monitoring begins. 类的另一个实例以及更改监视开始的时间。
- She's very independent and lives all alone. 她自食其力,独自生活。
- Class and called from the constructor of the form. 类中并从窗体的构造函数调用此方法。
- Class and has links to all its members. 类并提供指向其所有成员的链接。
- Praise day at night,and life at the end. 夜晚可说白天好,盖棺始能论是非。
- Class and in drag-and-drop operations. 类在拖放操作中使用。
- Your job becomes monotonous and life turns dull. 工作变得单调乏味,日子落得沉闷无趣,热情消逝。
- Class and that are designed for a mobile device. 类继承并为移动设备设计的两个网页。
- A big girl in a big world, and life is fantastic. 一个自信的女孩和一个无限的世界。生活很精彩。
- Create a new bolt class and set its variables. 创建一个新节的类并赋值。
- On wildlife sculptor Guy Taplin's work and life. 野生生物雕刻家。
- No, we want one business class and seven economy. 不,我们要一个公务舱和七个经济舱。
- Let English flying and life fulling of glory. 让英语飞翔,让生活充满阳光!
- I hate that class and I never attend. 我讨厌那个班级,我从不出席。