- A member that overrides a base class member. 重写基类成员的成员。
- Calls to class member functions that have external linkage. 调用类中具有外部连接属性的成员函数.
- Outputs the code of the specified literal code fragment class member. 输出指定的原义代码片断类成员的代码。
- The new operation might have the same name as an existing class member (excluding non-Web methods). 新操作可能与某个现有的类成员(非Web方法除外)同名。
- Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors. 使用静态构造器初始化静态类成员。
- This is accomplished by naming the class member with the name of the interface and a period. 这是使用接口名称和一个句点命名该类成员来实现的。
- A class member that permits instances of a class or structure to be accessed in the same way as arrays. 一种类成员,它允许按与数组相同的方式访问类或结构的实例。
- The Implements keyword signifies that a class member or structure member implements a specific interface member. Implements关键字指定类成员或结构成员实现特定的接口成员。
- Generates code for the specified class member using the specified text writer and code generator options. 使用指定的文本编写器和代码生成器选项为指定的类成员生成代码。
- Most overloaded operators may be defined as ordinary nonmember functions or as class member functions. 大多数重载操作符可以定义为普通非成员函数或类的成员函数。
- If a class member function's definition appears inside the class definition, the function is implicitly inline. 一个类成员函数的定义如果在类定义中,这个成语函数就是隐式内联的。
- Because the conflicting base class member does not specify Overloads, the compiler assumes that this property Shadows the implicit base class member. 由于有冲突的基类成员未指定Overloads,因此,编译器假定此属性隐藏Shadows隐式基类成员。
- This causes the conversion to succeed, but will cause an exception to be thrown when an attempt is made to access a missing class member at run time. 这样会使转换成功,但如果试图在运行时访问缺少的类成员,将导致引发异常。
- If you do not intend to shadow the base class member, change the name of the property to avoid the name conflicts described in the preceding table. 如果不打算遮盖基类成员,请更改属性的名称,以避免出现与上表中所述的名称冲突。
- When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member. 当通过值传递引用类型的参数时,有可能更改引用所指向的数据,如某类成员的值。
- Attribute can be used to mark class members that should not be persisted. 属性可用于标记不应保留的类成员。
- As with any other constructor, if we do not initialize a class member, then that member is initialized using the member's default constructor. 像其他任何构造函数一样,如果没有初始化某个类成员,则那个成员用该成员的默认构造函数初始化。
- When designing the overloaded operators for a class, we must choose whether to make each operator a class member or an ordinary nonmember function. 为类设计重载操作符的时候,必须选择是将操作符设置为类成员还是普通非成员函数。
- If an initializer is not provided for a class member, then the compiler implicitly uses the default constructor for the member's type. 如果没有为类成员提供初始化式,则编译器会隐式地使用成员类型的默认构造函数。
- The Committee of Education and Popular Science is a Second Class member of Chinese Pharmacological Society and a mass academic organizetion of pharmacogical teachera. 教学与科普专业委员会是中国药理学会所属的二级学会,是药理学教学工作者的学术性群众团体。