- We think that this portends a clear and present danger to the role of science in the U.S. 我们认为,这预示着并表明,在美国科学的地位处于危险状况。
- Chief Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya told the court earlier this week the AK Party posed a "clear and present danger" that it was seeking to impose Islamic law on the country. 土耳其总检察长耶尔钦卡亚这个星期早些时候在法庭上表示,正义与发展党对土耳其构成“明显与现实的危险”,因为它正在企图把伊斯兰法律强加于土耳其。
- No one has a right to shout 'fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire because such an action would pose a clear and present danger to public safety. 如果没有失火,任何人都不允许在拥挤的影剧院喊失火,因为这样会对公共安全产生明确的危险。
- With dramatic roles in films such as Presumed Innocent,Patriot Games,The Fugitive,Clear and Present Danger,The Devil's Own,and Air Force One (to name just a few),it's no wonder Ford is one of the most respected actors of his time. 福特在众多影片中塑造了一系列动人心魄的形象,这些影片包括《推定无罪》、《爱国者游戏》、《逃亡者》、《迫在眉睫》、《与魔鬼同行》和《空军一号》(这还只是一小部分),无怪乎他成为他那个时代最受崇拜的男演员之一。
- With dramatic roles in films such as Presumed Innocent, Patriot Games, The Fugitive, Clear and Present Danger, The Devil's Own, and Air Force One (to name just a few), it's no wonder Ford is one of the most respected actors of his time. 福特在众多影片中塑造了一系列动人心魄的形象,这些影片包括《推定无罪》、《爱国者游戏》、《逃亡者》、《迫在眉睫》、《与魔鬼同行》和《空军一号》(这还只是一小部分),无怪乎他成为他那个时代最受崇拜的男演员之一。
- a real and present danger and threat 一个现实的危险和威胁
- To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit. 伪造作为真的设计和介绍; 伪造
- Nor the celebration and present. 也没有庆祝和礼物。
- Do we know each other......past and present. 我们了解彼此的过去与现在吗?
- The art of making puppets and presenting puppet shows. 木偶艺术制作木偶和表演木偶的艺术
- She marry the man her parents disapprove of and present them with a fait company. 她所嫁的人她父母并不满意,但这已是既成事实。
- People send each other cards and presents at Christmas. 人们在圣诞节互赠贺卡和礼物。
- a clear and present danger; a clear explanation; a clear case of murder; a clear indication that she was angry; gave us a clear idea of human nature. 清楚的、近在眼前的危险;清楚的解释;一桩清楚的谋杀案;一个说明她发怒了的清楚迹象;给了我们关于人类天性的清楚观点。
- Put the diamond in a seashell, and present it to her on the beach. 把钻饰放在贝壳里,在海边送给她。
- no one has a right to shout'fire'in a crowded theather when there is no fire because such an action would pose a clear and present danger to public safety. 任何人都不允许在拥挤的影剧院喊失火,因为这样会。
- His report is very rich for talking over past and present. 他的报告,谈古论今,十分丰富。
- And presently the fig tree withered away. 那无花果树就立刻枯干了。
- Secondly, use your own head and present your point of view. 第二,动脑筋提出自己的见解。
- The local MP will start the race and present the prizes. 当地议员将鸣枪开赛,并颁发奖品。