- clan and vassal institution 宗藩制度
- Thy proud heart`s slave and vassal wretch to be. 我的心不受统治,我的身体失去了灵魂,
- The Foot Clan and I have come to hear your offer. 鬼脚家族和我是来听候你的差遣的。
- Under feudalism, people were born with a permanent position in society. (See fief and vassal. 封建制度下,人民的位置是固定的,是由出生的家庭界定的。
- Ahaz sent messengers to say to Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria, "I am your servant and vassal. 亚哈斯差遣使者去见亚述王提革拉毗列色,说,我是你的仆人,你的儿子。
- Some may socialize by joining an FPS clan and compete in ladders and tournaments. 一些玩家喜欢加入FPS的战队,一起过关。
- In 1879 Japan annexed the Ryukyu Islands, then threatened Korea's security with the Qing Dynasty and Korea's relation the "suzerain and vassal state". 摘要1879年日本吞并琉球,进而威胁到朝鲜的安全和清朝与朝鲜的宗藩关系。
- He has long-standing personal ties to the clan and used to be a managing director of AHAG. 萨阿德与戈萨伊这个家族有着长期的个人关系,并且曾任是AHAG的董事总经理。
- I.e., Absence of pride, born out of the arrogant feeling or boast of ancestry, clan and tribe etc. 即,没有骄傲感,没有与生俱来的傲慢感,没有对家族,宗族的自夸。
- Orcish internment camps are created. Arthas joins the Silver Hand. (Nekros leads the Dragonmaw clan and seizes control of the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. 兽人关押所建立.;阿尔塞斯加入银手骑士团
- A group of people who are always busy with their careers.After graduation, they joined the Rushing Clan and soon became successful professionals. 毕业后他们加入了奔奔族,不久就成了成功的职业人士。
- Then he and his children are to be released, and he will go back to his own clan and to the property of his forefathers. 到了禧年,他和他儿女要离开你,一同出去归回本家,到他祖宗的地业那里去。
- Once the whole area has been squeezed to its limit, the band of outlaws will move on to another area, in defiance of both clan and state authorities. 一旦整个地区被压榨干净,这些匪徒就会迁徙到另一个地区,无视于门派和国家政权。
- The third major group, the United Somali Congress (USC), was composed mostly of people from the Hawiye clan and controlled the capital, Mogadishu. 第三个主要群体,索马里联合大会(南加大),是由多数人来自哈维耶部族和控制了首都摩加迪沙。
- Female hyenas are larger than males, and an alpha female leads the clan and the hunt. To communicate, they whoop, grunt, and giggle. 雌性土狼的体型比雄性大,而一只雌性土狼首领领导着它的部落和捕猎行动。它们通过大叫、哼声和低声细语交流。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- The Besadii clan and the Desilijic clan were in heated competition for control of lucrative slaving and spice contracts. 贝萨迪家族和德斯里克吉家族为了科获取暴利的奴隶和香料贸易进行了激烈的竞争。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- After abstract spirit of clan and concrete economic life have been both established, the process of family immigration is completed. 家族意象在抽象的宗族精神与具体的经济生活都确立之后,家族移民由原乡到移居地的移民过程才算告一段落。