- In the last instance,the buyer should file a claim against the seller. 最后一点,买方应向卖方索赔。
- In the last instance, the buyer should file a claim against the seller. 属于最后一点。买方应向卖方索赔。
- The insurance company is not responsible for the damage. You should lodge a claim against the seller. 保险公司对破损不负赔偿责任。贵公司应向卖方提出索赔。
- The Buyer has the right to claim against the Seller for liquidated damage in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 10. 买方有权跟据附件十的规定向卖方索赔违约金
- In case of late delivery, the buyer shall have the right.to cancel this contract, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller. 如延迟交货,买方有权解除合同,拒收货物,并有权向卖方索赔
- In case of late delivery, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract, reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller. 如延迟交货,买方有权解除合同,拒收货物,并有权向卖方索赔;
- He can claim against the fire insurance. 根据火灾保险合同,他能有权要求一笔钱。
- In case of any incompliance with the Clause 1 herein on quality, quantity and specification, the Seller agrees that the buyer may claim against him. 如发生货物在质量、数量或规格方面与本合同第一条规定不符,卖方同意买方因此提出的索赔。
- In case of any incompliance with Clauses herein on quality, quantity and specification, the Seller agrees that the buyer may claim against him. 如发生货物在质量、数量或规格方面与本合同条款规定不符,卖方同意买方因此提出的索赔。
- They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- Can defendant claim against the plaintiff? 被告能针对原告提出主张吗?
- S: Can defendant claim against the plaintiff? 被告能针对原告提出主张吗?
- The seller is obligated to warrant that the buyer will be free from any third party claim against it in respect of the subject matter delivered, except otherwise provided by law. 第一百五十一条买受人订立合同时知道或者应当知道第三人对买卖的标的物享有权利的,出卖人不承担本法第一百五十条规定的义务。
- claim against the seller 向卖方索赔
- They are persuaded to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- They lodged a claim against the exporter for the breakage. 他们向出口商提出了破损的索赔。
- They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- They is persuade to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- The seller reduced the price for cash down. 那销售者对现款交易的顾客减价优待。
- They lodged a compensation claim against the factory. 他们向工厂提出了赔偿要求。