- Fen Kuching City State University, through its name because of Fenhe. 汾城系古晋国都,因汾河流经得名。
- Dog sled racing is the state sport of Alaska and is popular throughout North America and Europe. 狗拉雪橇竞赛是阿拉斯加州的州运动项目,并且在北美和欧洲都是非常流行的。
- The talent and ability of the Venetian leaders and citizens was one of the necessary ingredients of the success of the city state. 威尼斯领袖与国民的才华及能力是这个城邦得以成功的其中一个要素。
- A firefighter evacuates employees from Kiev's city state administration building on June 24, 2008 after a fire alarm. 6月24日,乌克兰首都基辅的市政大楼发生火灾,警报响起后,消防人员迅速指导大楼内的工作人员从梯子撤离。
- Nguyen was hanged at Singapore's Changi Prison just6 am today local time(9 am AEDT) for smuggling heroin through the city state two years ago. 新加坡的经济繁荣与社会治安良好是有目共睹的,其原因之一便是执法如山。25岁的生命只因区区不足400克海洛因而断送,实在是可惜。看着这个年轻人稚气未消的面庞,想必所有的人都会为之扼腕。然而,法律就是法律,容不得半点怜悯之心。
- Those supporting the casino say the city state's strong governance will limit potential problems such as compulsivegambling and money laundering. 支持开放赌场的人表示,新加坡的强势管理将限制一些潜在问题,比方说强制赌博及洗钱等。
- Intolerance of the Jew was a fact of 16th Century life even in Venice,the most powerful and liberal city state in Europe. 16世纪,即使在欧洲最强大最自由的威尼斯,人们对犹太人的偏见与压迫亦随处可见。
- The SDU is one of two bodies the government has set up to encourage marriage in a tiny city state grappling with a low birth rate. 这个小小的城市国家正在和低出生率作斗争,政府设立了两个机构来鼓励婚配,SDU是其中之一。
- Intolerance of the Jews was a fact of 16th Century life even in Venice, the most powerful and liberal city state in Europe. 对于犹太人的不公是16世纪的一项史实。甚至在欧洲最自由,强大的城邦:威尼斯也是如此。
- Know, playing mahjong is a competitive sport, and has long been the State Sports General Administration approval. Recently, a 74-year-old mahjong crowds. 知道吗,打麻将是一项竞技体育项目,并早已被国家体育总局批准。日前,一名74岁的老麻将迷称,他要尽最大努力,将麻将申请为奥运项目。
- Taiyang Gong is a "city Blossom" name, a green, Bahe, the remnants of the city, and housing is manned pure living space, some big moves in the city state flavor. 太阳宫正在成为“市内桃花源”的代名词,有绿地、有坝河,出则高擎都市主义、住则把守纯居住空间,颇有大隐隐于市的况味。
- Jeff: It is obvious to all that the State Sports Commission paid a lot of attention to the football. 杰夫:体委对足球的重视也是有目共睹。
- Marshal He Long was the first minister of the China State Sports Commission along with his other positions. 任命贺龙元帅兼任第一任国家体委主任。
- Visitors at any time of year come to marvel at the great Saint Mark's Square and Cathedral, the Doge's Palace, the art galleries and, of course, the extraordinary network of canals which reflect the rich history of the former city state. 年到头总有游客来观赏伟大的圣马可广场和大教堂、执政官宫、美术馆,当然还有卓绝的运河网,它们反映了这个前城邦国家的丰富多彩的历史。
- The product of a state sports system that planned for him to be a star before he could even dribble, Mr. 在他连运球都还不会的时候,国家体育机制就已经替他做好了成为球星的规划。
- War between the Greek city states of Sparta, Corinth, Thebes and Athens has rumbled on for decades. 战火已在希腊众城邦,包括斯巴达、哥林斯、底比斯、及雅典之间,燃烧了数十年之久。
- As a result,from 1949 to 1966 when China set up its first State Sports Commission,the nation won 13 world titles,mostly in table tennis. 因此,从1949至1966年间(它于1966年成立国家体育委员会),中国所获得的13个世界冠军中大部分来自乒乓球。
- Beginning to the end of human civilization, like Peach Festival in the prosperous city state of eternal commitment, It can foresee myself over the overflowing open Xie behind the price? 初见这个人类文明最后的灿若桃花般繁盛的城市说出永恒的承诺时,是否能预见那花香四溢的背后开谢的代价?
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- As a result, from 1949 to 1966 when China set up its first State Sports Commission, the nation won 13 world titles, mostly in table tennis. 因此,从1949至1966年间(它于1966年成立国家体育委员会),这个国家所获得的13个世界冠军中大部分来自乒乓球。