- city versus rural area 城乡
- Have grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big city. 因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。
- Have grow up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big city. 因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。
- People in rural areas longed for life in the city. 农村居民都向往城市的生活。
- Having grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big cities. 因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。
- The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 那疾病多见於农村地区。
- It's got rich versus poor, urban versus rural, young versus old, and perhaps most dramatically, developing countries versus developed countries. 它被得到富有的对贫穷的,都市的对乡下的,年轻的对以前,和也许最戏剧地,对已开发国家的发展中国家。
- It is no longer the rural area thatit used to be. 它不再是过去那个乡村地区了。
- Shuozhou City jurisdiction Pinglu rural areas. 朔州市平鲁区辖乡。
- This type of motorcar sells well in the rural area. 这种摩托车在农村很畅销。
- To Fill Finance Vacancy in China Rural Area? 建设新农村,金融缺位怎么办?
- The debate about climate change prods all sorts of cultural sore spots: liberal versus conservative, urban versus rural, the coasts against the heartland. 气候变化变化之争戳到了各个文化领域的伤心处:自由派对保守派,城市对乡下,沿海地区对中部地区。
- The English rural area looks best in May and June. 英国乡村在五六月间风景最美。
- Give one of these rural area project ideas a try. 不妨试试以下这些乡村计画。
- The disease is provoking in rural area. 那疾病多见于农村地区.
- In rural area?the health education must be con... 农村健康教育要与卫生改革协调,做到组织落实,讲求实效。
- Many rural areas around the city have been suburbanized now. 该市四周的乡村现在都已成为该市的郊区了。
- The point of intersection of a driveway and a road, especially in a rural area. 交汇口车行道和街道的交叉点,尤指在农村地区
- The city personnel of hospitals rotate in teams in the rural areas. 城市医院的医务工作人员分小队轮流在农村地区服务。