- Lefebvre's sociological city space theory is abstract and has utopia properties. 但是,列斐伏尔的城市空间社会学理论具有抽象思辨性和乌托邦特点。
- The interface of place as the encirclement of city space, influence the portrayal of city image deeply. 而场所中的界面,作为城市空间的围护体,对城市的形象地塑造发挥着巨大作用。
- Penman wants to expound these problems by using impersonality、personality and social ideology about the city space. 笔者借助女性主义的理论,通过从客观、主观、社会意识形态三方面对男女城市空间占有问题进行阐述。
- C.From the experience of cyclist, what characteristics of our city space (including planning) could we understand? C.;从他们的单车经验,可认识我们的城市空间(包括规划)有甚麽特点?
- The city leisure research concerns about space, social space, city space, city living space, city living environment, city leisure space, etc. 城市休闲研究牵涉的空间概念包括空间、社会空间、城市空间、城市生活空间、城市人居环境、城市休闲空间等。
- In 1935,Albert Speer,the head ar- chitect of Hitler,hat make a plan,in Reichspartei- tag Zone. He planed series buildings to make the city space. 1935年,Albert Speer(希特勒的首 席建筑师)为帝国党代会地区做了一个规划, 规划中通过一系列的纪念性建筑来塑造城市 空间。
- At present, the city space is greatly expending in China, and the new urban area is continuously being planned and constructed. 摘要当前我国城市空间加速扩张,城市不断规划建设新城区。
- But currently, the facilities according to the related laws, is already serious unsuited the need of city space development. 而目前,城市居住区规划所依据的“设计规范”等相关法规,已经严重滞后于城市居住空间发展的需求。
- The waterfront development carries on traditionary culture and makes the city space more perfect and satisfies the demands of mordernize ecolomy. 滨水区的开发既要继承和发扬传统文化,又要使城市空间得以完善并满足现代化经济的要求。
- Secondly, to inspire the imagination and creation in the area of new city space against the background of globalization. 其次,在全球化发展背景下,于新城市空间领域激发想象力与创造力。
- In the modern city space, as the car becomes the subject of the space instead of the human, the architecture becomes the stipulation of the car's exist. 现代城市空间中,当小汽车取代了人而成为空间主体时,建筑便成了对汽车行为的规定。
- The article discuss nature geography pattern and city space structure both of relation about Taiyuan city, analyzes Taiyuan city space develop ecological limit structure. 论述了太原城市的自然地理格局及其与城市空间结构的关系,分析了太原市空间发展的生态限制性因素。
- How to utilize the city space effectively, especially the city roadway space ----the city s aorta, becomes a more and more important question calling for people s attention. 如何有效利用城市空间,尤其是城市的动脉---城市道路空间,是一个越来越值得关注的问题。
- This paper also calls for a intensive study on the structure of the traditional city space in the city redevelopment in order to make good extension of the spirit of the city. 建议在古城更新中,进一步研究和吸收传统城市空间形态中坊巷格局、院落构成所蕴含的合理成分和空间特质,使古城整体独特的空间肌理和风貌得以更好地保护和延续。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- GEHL J., GEMZOE L., New City Spaces, Copenhagen: The Danish Architectural Press, 2001. 刘易斯.;芒福德著
- So it's possible and effective to study city spaces with method of Heterotopia and Utopia. 这两方面的原因促成了异质空间、乌托邦与都市文化批评之间的机缘。
- In view of urban design, setting out from the relation of building and city space, this essay analyses the "CBD Phenomenon", of which problems has been revealed in the course of construction and renovation of central district. 本文以城市设计的视角,从建筑与城市空间的关系出发,结合自今流行的“CBD现象”,分析了当前大城市中心商务区建设与改造过程中暴露出的问题,尤其是建筑底部的问题。
- This five star hotel is on a very sensitive piece of land in Beijing.The small size of the building reflects the inside habitude, old culture, and respect to the city space and history. 皇城根下的五星级酒店,其地点位置非常敏感,塑造的体量不大但要反映出内在的气度和历史的积淀,有效表达对城市空间和历史的尊重。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。