- city plain control net 城市平面控制网
- The final control net is obtained by solving a nonlinear optimal problem. 重构曲线的最终控制网格可通过求解一个非线性优化问题获得。
- The algorithm iteratively perturbs every control point to reshape the control net by inputting data points one by one. 逐个输入数据点后,通过对控制顶点进行扰动来求取新的控制顶点。
- This article introduces a method of establishing GPS surveying and control net by utilizing International GPS Service (IGS). 本文介绍利用国际GPS服务(IGS)快速建立测量控制网的方法;具有很高的实用价值.
- In the paper control net uses Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) techniques to transfer concerned data to information net. 论文中,控制网络通过动态数据交换(Dynamic Data Exchange, DDE)技术向信息网络传送所需的数据;
- The CAD-free system includes a surface extractor, a surface fitter, a control net perturbator, and a surface generator. 这种免CAD系统包含一个面抽取器,一个面装配器,一个控制扰动器,以及一个面的生成程序。
- The distance from 3-direction quartic box spline surface to the central triangular planar patch of its control net is investigated as well as its bound. 摘要研究了三向四次箱样条曲面与控制网格中心三角平面片间的距离和该距离的界。
- This net is the first whole-area covered GPS survey control net(Class C)built for rivers in China, and a successful example of application of GPS in waterway management in China. 该网是我国大江大河建立的第一个全程覆盖的GPS(C级)测量控制网,也是GPS技术在我国航道管理行业中成功运用的范例。
- Construction GPS Control Net of City Subway and Its Precision 城市地铁GPS施工控制网的布测及其精度
- Enemy forces are in control of the city. 敌军控制著这座城市。
- This paper describes how the MS--WINDOWS works and discusses how to usethe functions of the event--drive, MS--WINDOWS API and DLL to solve the programmingproblems in a real--time control net. 本文探讨了WINDOWS的运行机制,讨论了在WINDOWS环境下如何利用事件驱动,应用程序接口(WINDOWSAPI)及动态链接库(DLL库)等功能解决贵州铝厂氧化铝厂的工控网络中的实时处理软件设计问题。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- The system has three layers in those the information layer is industrial Ethernet(EtherNet/IP),the control layer is control net(ControlNet),and the equipments layer is equipments net(DeviceNet). 系统信息层为EtherNet/IP工业以太网,控制层为ControlNet控制网,设备层为DeviceNet设备网。
- It is an urgency which every modern enterprises implementing NM is confronted with that how to enhance the share of equipment resource, how to implement the monitor and control and fault diagnosis, how to integrated the data net with control net. 如何使实施网络化制造的企业提高设备资源共享、实现对远程设备的监控和故障诊断、实现数据网络与控制网络的集成,是摆在每一个实施网络化制造的现代企业面前一个急需解决的问题。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- This paper introduces a reliability method to detect blunders of GPS control net point, then eliminates the blunder points to improve the precision and strengthen reliability of GPS network. 摘要利用显著性检验方法,探测并剔除了GPS控制网起算点的粗差,增强和提高了GPS网的可靠性和精度,实例表明了其可行性。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
- The city is pretty much plain vanilla. 这座城市相当一般化。
- The city is famed for its scenic spots. 该市以风景优美著称。
- The city was prettied up for a visit by the Queen. 那个城市为了迎接女王的来访而美化了一番。