- DEN-3 appears to be the predominant circulating virus but Den- 4, Den-2 and Den-1 serotypes have also been confirmed in samples taken from patients in DKI Jakarta. 印尼登革爆发似乎是以3型(血清群)登革病毒为主,但是,从DKI-雅加达的患者采集的样品中证实存在4型、2型和1型登革病毒。
- Influenza viruses change very quickly and the match between the vaccine and the circulating virus is very important to give adequate protective immunity to vaccinated people. 流感病毒变异很快,疫苗与现在流行的病毒的匹配程度对于接种人群能否获得足够免疫力非常重要。
- He gave away his books to a circulating library. 他把自己的书籍损赠给一家循环图书馆。
- Rumours are circulating in Whitehall. 怀特霍尔街上流传著谣言。
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- The flu virus infected almost the entire class. 全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。
- Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因严重缺乏流动资金而被迫关闭。
- Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
- The circulating mud can give off heat. 循环着的泥浆能散出热量。
- He was accused of circulating forged banknotes. 他被人指控使用伪钞。
- circulating virus 循环病毒
- The suggestion of making a circulating library was well received by all. 大家都同意办个流动图书馆的建议。
- A protease is key to the replication of the virus. 蛋白酶是阻止非典病毒变异的关键物质。
- There are no mud returns while circulating. 循环时没有泥浆返出。
- Wild rumors were circulating about her. 关于她的荒唐谣言正到处传播。
- Rheumtoid arthritis is also linked with the virus. 风湿性关节炎也和这种病毒有关。
- We have our own strong method of TV circulating! 我们拥有强有力的电视发行手段!
- Circulating libraries were not then in use. 那时还没有流通图书馆。
- That kept its blood circulating. 保持血液循环。
- He might have taken it to combat a summer virus. 他可能服用了此物来抵抗一种夏季的病毒。