- The result shows that emitting with circular polarization and receiving with copolarization are effective on rain clutter's depression. 结果表明:雷达采用园极化发射,同极化接收,可有效抑制雨杂波。
- After about sixty days, LRO will enter its operational circular polar orbit, about 31 miles above the moon's surface. 经过大约在60天LRO将进入月球极低轨道,大约处于月球表面31英里。
- LRO's final orbit will be a circular polar orbit approximately 50 km above the Moon's surface (a little over 30 miles). LRO的最终轨道将是一个圆形极地轨道,离月球表面(略微超出30英里处)约50公里。
- Radio observations of the late-type giant FK Com were performed using the VLA at 3.6,6,18 and 20cm,and mJy level radiation was detected, but no circular polarization was obtained. 本文作者使用美国VLA,对快速目转的晚型巨星FKCom在3.;6、6、18、20厘米波长上进行了射电观测,探测到mJy量级的射电辐射,而没有探测到圆偏振。
- Comparison of the linearly polarization light to the circularly polarization light,the degree of circular polarization is lager than the degree of linear polarization for the same concentration. 介质浓度增加;后向散射强度增加;偏振度减小;且同一浓度下;圆偏振光的偏振度总是高于线偏振光.
- When circularly polarized light is used, the cross may be eliminated. 用圆偏振光时,这十字就可以消失。
- In this paper, we extend the second Born approximation(SBA) to circular polarization laser, calculate the differential cross section(DCS) of laser assisted e He with multiphoton exchanging and analyze the results. 把二级玻恩近似 (SBA)的方法推广至圆极化激光场 ,计算了发生多光子交换时的激光辅助电子被氦原子散射的微分散射截面。
- Because of its ability of reducing the multipath reflections and several kinds of interference, circular polarization (CP) has been widely used in many applications of microwave frequencies recently. 由于可以降低多重路径反射和干扰,圆极化的技术被广泛的应用于微米波频段。
- All the other wavelengths will emerge as either elliptically or circularly polarized light. 所有其它波长的光将以椭圆偏振光或圆偏振光出射。
- The collimated light goes through a 1/4 wave plate. This converts it into circularly polarized light. 经过准直镜校准后的光线射入四分之一波板。平行偏振光又被转化为圆偏振光。
- broadband circularly polarization 宽带圆极化
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The collimated light goes through a1/4 wave plate. This converts it into circularly polarized light. 经过准直镜校准后的光线射入四分之一波板。平行偏振光又被转化为圆偏振光。
- The proposed EBG-backed circularly polarized aperture antenna is designed to operate in X- and V-band frequencies. 本论文将所提出的覆背式电磁能隙圆极化槽孔天线分别设计在X频带及V频带上。
- This thesis studies a circularly polarized reflectarray based on a microstrip ring patch as a radiating element. 中文摘要本论文是以环形天线为幅射单元当架构,来研究一圆形极化反射阵列。
- The design of wideband circularly polarized printed antenna is an important issue of antenna research recently. 摘要:宽频圆极化的印刷天线设计是当前天线研究的重点之一。
- In this thesis, a circularly polarized patch antenna fed by a microstrip-line is designed for the 60GHz (V-Band) communication system. 本论文中,我们主要是提出一种用微带线馈入的圆极化微带天线,经由模态分析法加以分析。
- The ring antennas also have potential advantages of compact size and broader circularly polarized (CP) bandwidth as compared to the patches. 环形天线跟微带天线相比较的话,环形天线具有尺寸较小和圆形极化频宽会较广等优点。
- In our experiment we used pulses of circularly polarized light to excite pools of electrons in the ZnSe into identical spin states. 在实验中,我们使用圆偏振光脉冲,将硒化锌的电子团激发到相同的自旋状态。