- cilium inversum 反向睫(毛)
- inversa cilia 反向睫(毛)
- Of, relating to, or resembling cilia. 睫毛的相关或类似睫毛的
- Cilia are little hairs waving to and fro. 纤毛是来回摆动的细小毛毛。
- The cilia arose from the furrows. 胞质内含有大量线粒体、食物泡和多糖颗粒。
- Cilia jackknifed erect, her dark eyes blazing. Cilia站直身体,黑色的眼睛里流光溢彩。
- Epithelium can also bear cilia . 上皮也可长纤毛。
- My tireless little cilia make about ten sweeping strokes a second. 我那不怕疲劳的小纤毛每秒钟约做10次清扫动作。
- The unit membrane of the cell continues up over each cilium. 细胞膜向上突起延续构成纤毛的表面。
- Having a band of cilia around the mouth, as certain protozoans. 口周围有周毛的,如些原生动物
- Cilia of ocrea 0.5-5 mm; achenes biconvex, rarely trigonous. 托叶鞘的缘毛0.;5-5毫米;瘦果两面凸,很少三棱。(54
- One cigarette can paralyze the cilia for as long as 40 minutes! 吸一支烟能使上皮细胞纤毛麻痹达40分钟。
- The middle sect consists of monolayer cilia cube epithelia. 中间段由单层纤毛立方上皮构成;
- It didn't take them long to find out more about Cilia Dil. 一会儿功夫,他们就搜集到了许多关于CiliaDil的信息。
- Dust in the air is filtered by the cilia inside the nose. 空气中的灰尘会被鼻子里的鼻毛过滤。
- Each comb plate is a simple rectangular paddle composed of cilia. 每个栉板都是纤毛组成的矩形的桨。
- Many protoctistans are motile, using pseudopodia, cilia or flagella. 许多原生动物利用伪足、纤毛或鞭毛能运动。
- Each cilium terminates within the Pavilion - with another tiny light source. 每个纤毛终亭与另一极光源。
- A slender, flexible appendage, such as the fused cilia of certain protozoans. 触须一种细长、柔软的突出物,如某些原生动物的融合的纤毛
- These cilia, or staves, provide the Pavilion with its only means ofsupport. 这些纤毛,或壁,提供展馆的唯一手段支承。