- chromites spinel 铁铬尖晶石
- A bauxite spinel castable for furnish is prepared. 研制了矾土尖晶石钢包浇注料。
- All the exsolution lamellae are brown spinel. 蚀变辉长岩中的斜方辉石已经完全蛇纹石化(保留了斜方辉石假象),斜长石完全被水钙铝榴石交代(保留斜长石假象),但单斜辉石保存完好,且发育由尖晶石叶片(棒)构成的出溶结构。
- Coated spinel color pigments, process for their production and use. 涂覆尖晶石色料及其生产工艺与使用。
- The spinel lamellae (or leafs) are parallel to each other. 棕褐色的尖晶石出溶棒(或叶片)一般完全平行,个别情况下发现两组近于直交的尖晶石出溶棒。
- This is a blue colour stain with a spinel structure, widely used in glazes. 这浅蓝色料具有尖晶石结构,广泛适用于不釉中。
- In this paper, the LiMn_20_4 spinel compound was prepared by the sol-gelmethod. 本文采用溶胶-凝胶法合成包覆基体材料LiMn_20_4尖晶石。
- Spinel containing refractories are widely used in metallurgical industry. 含尖晶石的耐火材料广泛应用于冶金行业。
- The Luobusha podiform chromites locate at metamorphic peroditites that show partial melting and dynamic remelting. 罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿床产于高度部分熔融和动力重熔的变质橄榄岩中。
- We found that it is connected between powders granularity of lanthanum chromites and synthetic time by SEM. 扫描电镜的观察发现高温合成的铬酸镧粉料性状受合成时间影响。
- Chromites,which are accessory minerals in the ultramafic intrusion,can be classified as three types: occurring as inclusions in olivine;as euhed. 铬铁矿以副矿物形式出现,从形态上可以分为三类:包嵌于橄榄石中的自形铬铁矿、以自形或半自形体存在于辉石中铬铁矿以及环绕结构铬铁矿。
- A cathode-ray-tube (CRT) faceplate made of transparent spinel (MgAl2O4) is developed. 摘要透明尖晶石陶瓷面板投影管的屏和锥采用了低熔点玻璃封接。
- The mantle shear zones not only control distribution of the chromites, but also provide heat souce and tectonic dynamics. 地幔剪切带不仅控制了铬铁矿的分布,而且为铬铁矿的形成提供了热动力和构造动力。
- The spinel LiMn_2O_4 were synthesized form CMD and EMD, the structure of LiMn_2O_4 were investigated by XRD. 分别以化学二氧化锰(CMD)和电解二氧化锰(EMD)为锰源,制备尖晶石型锰酸锂,通过X射线衍射技术对产物进行了结构分析。
- To match with the spinel, a low temperature frit glass and funnel glass with similar thermal expansion are developed. 分析了封接中材料匹配、浸润性以及再结晶等原理,叙述了封接工艺。
- Spinel exhibits a lower thermal expansion coefficient than conventional glass faceplate. 给出了封接结构、所用屏、低熔点玻璃和锥的材料特性。
- Nano-powders of doped lanthanum chromites were prepared by the aqueous organic-gel method using citric acid as a complex agent and metal nitrate as starting materials. 以柠檬酸作络合剂 ,硝酸盐作起始物,采用有机凝胶法制备掺杂铬酸镧的纳米粉体。
- A lot of enclaves named spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite derived from the mantle were fount in alkali basalt of Miocene Naitoushan period. 其中奶头山期碱性玄武岩中含有幔源的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体和辉石岩包体。
- The results showed that the sinterability of magnesite-alum- ina spinel could be improved by the addition of light magnesia powder and alumina powder. 研究结果表明,添加轻烧氧化镁及氧化铝微粉对镁铝尖晶石的烧结具有明显的促进作用。
- A rose - red to orange spinel used as a semiprecious gem, once confused with the ruby. 玫红尖晶石一种用作半宝石的玫瑰红到橙红色的晶石,以前曾被混淆为红宝石