- christia vespertilionis 蝙蝠草
- He also converted some leading Danes into Christia . 他还劝服一些丹麦首领成为基督教徒。
- Fair or not? The taxation of e-commerce By: Victor, Christia; Wen-Jang Jih. 电子商务税收是否公正?
- More than 2,500 Christia - all wearing purple ri o to signify hope - sang hym and prayed agai t the proposal. 超过二千五百名基督徒,系上紫丝带象征希望,咏唱圣咏和祈祷,反对二十三条。
- Christia sects form and mutate in the countryside, vying to attract the same disadvantaged classes. 在农村基督教的异端不断产生和变异,也在争取这些弱势群体。
- They said they had provided authorities with the names of 16 Christia who allegedly i tigated some of the worst bloodshed. 他们说他们给警方提供了16名基督教徒的名字,据说这些人涉嫌一些最严重的流血冲突。
- Three Christia convicted for their roles in deadly attacks on Muslims in 2000 in central Indonesia will be executed on Thursday, media reports quoted the men's lawyer as saying. 3位被证明在2000年印度尼西亚中部对穆斯林信徒发动致命袭击的基督教徒将在周四被执行死刑,媒体在报道中引用被告律师的话说。
- Analysts have said that the government in the world's most populous Islamic nation would find it politically difficult to pardon the Christia while pre ing ahead with the executio of the Muslims. 分析人士说,作为世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家,印尼政府发现,面对穆斯林不断施压,要宽恕基督教徒在政治很困难。
- ome fear, however,that he i increasingly under the influence of Christia Republica , articularly a a ew war loom over Iraq。 当我们必须与老外谈重要公务时,只有请专业翻译出马。也就是说,六级英语还无法实际运用。这是很大的遗憾。
- ala vespertilionis 子宫阔韧带
- alae vespertilionis [医] 子宫阔韧带
- Plagiorchis vespertilionis 蝙蝠斜睾吸虫
- Faeces Vespertilionis 夜明砂
- ossa vespertilionis [医] 蝶骨
- Ixodes vespertilionis 长蝠硬蜱
- Christia 克里斯蒂亚
- obcordate christia herb 半边钱
- common christia herb 双飞蝴蝶
- standing beaide Help,Christia asked, “Since the road from the City of Destruction to the narrow gate leads this wey,why is this bog not filled in,so that travelers might go over in safety? 基督徒站在恩助旁边问:“既然从将亡城到窄门须走这条路,为什么不把这泥潭填好,叫行人平安的走过去呢?”