- choripetalous corolla 离瓣花冠
- irregular choripetalous corolla 不整齐离瓣花冠
- A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower. 舌状花舌状花或这种花的花冠
- The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers. 花心一些花的通常颜色各异的花冠的中心
- The androecium is borne on the fused corolla. 雄蕊群着生在联合的花冠上。
- One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla. 下唇唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个
- Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals. 分瓣的带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的
- European viola with an unusually long corolla spur. 欧洲堇菜,通常有长花冠距。
- The hood-shaped sepal or corolla of some flowers. 盔状花冠(或花萼)某些花朵盔状的花萼或花冠
- A unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored. 花瓣花冠的基本部分,通常绚丽多彩的
- Have you seen the new Toyota Corolla? 你看过新型的丰田corolla没有?
- Sepal 5, corolla lobes 5, partial combine. 花冠裂片5枚,部分合生。
- Top-first inflorescence of Health, Corolla yellow. 头状花序顶生,花冠黄色。
- Shrubs epiphytic, glabrous except for corolla. 灌木附生的,无毛除了花冠。
- Corolla white, with purple spots. 花冠白色,具紫色斑点。
- Corolla yellow throughout, not spotted. 全部的花冠黄,不具点。
- Calyx ciliate; corolla yellow to greenish yellow. 花萼具缘毛;花冠黄到黄绿色。
- Corolla tube pubescent; lower lip ciliate. 花冠筒短柔毛;下唇具缘毛。
- Style filiform, exserted from corolla. 花柱丝状,从花冠外露。
- Stamens 2, inserted at base of corolla. 雄蕊2,花冠的着生的在基部。