- chorda obliqua membranae interosseae antebrachii 前臂骨间膜斜索
- chorda obliqua 斜索
- Chorda obliqua of elbow 肘斜系带
- The resection of chorda tympani nerve can cause taste blindness of the right side of tongue. 切除鼓索神经可引起该侧舌味觉的丧失。
- Abstract The biological habits of tea geometrid(Ectropis obliqua Prout) were studied in this paper. 摘要 本试验对茶尺蠖的生活习性作了进一步的研究。
- Single nerve fiber recording from the ear's chorda tympani show that same lack of specificity. 从耳朵的鼓索所记录的单一的神经元展现出相同的特征缺失。
- Ectropis obliqua prout's biological control researches from natural enemy, biological pesticide and pheromone were reviewed in this article. 本文从利用天敌、昆虫信息素、生物农药等方面对茶尺蠖的生物防治研究进行了综述。
- The degree of valvular regurgitation was not related with the range of prolapse and was related with the severity of tendinous chorda injury. 瓣膜反流的程度与脱垂范围的大小无正相关,与腱索损害的严重性有关。
- Ectropis obliqua prout is one of the key pests in tea garden.Lots of biological control researches were already conducted. 摘要茶尺蠖是我国茶园的主要害虫之一,对它的生物防治有关学者已经开展了大量的研究工作。
- The line graphs show the response activity profiles of five salt and five sweet hamster chorda tympani fibers to the four primary taste qualities. 线图展现了仓鼠的鼓索神经对五种盐和五种糖的四种原味性质的响应活动。
- This article gives an introduction of life behavior and OPM technology of the 4 major tea pests- Empoasca flavaecens Fabricius,Euproctis pseudoconspersa Strand,Ectropis obliqua Wehrli and Myllocerinus aurolineatus Voss in Hubei area. 文章介绍了湖北有机茶园中主要害虫小绿叶蝉、茶毛虫、茶尺蠖及茶丽纹象甲等的主要生活习性及其OPM技术
- The angle towards superior direction between chorda tympani nerve and verical segment of FN was 38.6 1.99 (28.5-52.5) . The distance between stylomastoid foramen and the point from which chorda tympani nerve departed FN was 5.99 0.74 (5.01-7.90) mm. 鼓索神经与FN垂直段的向上的夹角为38.;6±1
- The operative method in group A was based on a combination of verious techniques, including lateral attic wall reconstruction (scute repair), chorda tympani nerve tightening prosthesis, and prevention of adhesion formation by a absobable membrane. 手术方法A组包含上鼓室外壁重建(盾板修复)、鼓索神经弹压听骨、防粘连可吸收网片置入等多项综合技术。
- Objective To explore the method of displaying the posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani nerve(PCdT) by multi-direction adjusting multi-planar reformation(MPR) and curved planar reformation(CPR). 目的探讨多向调整多平面重组(MPR)及曲面重组(CPR)全程显示后鼔索神经小管的方法。
- linea obliqua cartilaginis thyreoideae 甲状软骨斜线
- linea obliqua cartilaginis thyroideae 甲状软骨斜线
- ramus communicans cum chorda tympani 鼓索交通支
- pars obliqua musculi arytenoidei 杓肌斜部, 杓斜肌
- pars obliqua musculi cricothyreoidei 环甲肌斜部
- tympanic aperture of canal of chorda tympani 鼓索小管鼓室口