- The students chose up sides for a game of football. 学生们分成两队打足球。
- Joe and Dan were the captains. The chose up sides. 乔和丹是队长,他俩轮流挑选各自需要的队员。
- Joe and Dan were the captains. They chose up sides. 乔和丹是队长,他俩轮流挑选各自需要的队员。
- I noticed that when they began to choose up sides for a game, serious little Gibby would usually be left standing alone. 可是,我发现当他们分组玩游戏的时候,吉比总是孤零零地站在一旁,因为没有人愿意和他一组。
- I noticed that when they began to 9)choose up sides for a game, serious little Gibby would usually be left standing alone. 可是,我发现当他们分组玩游戏的时候,吉比总是孤零零地站在一旁,因为没有人愿意和他一组。
- But tomorrow would be another day. So tomorrow recess happened again, choose up sides, the same story. Down to Geneva and Robert and guess who they picked this time? 但明天又是新的一天,到了第二天小休时间,相同的故事又再发生,又是科华和萧律柏,你猜他们选上谁?
- choose up sidesvi. 选择队员
- They lined up side by side for the photograph. 他们并肩排成队,准备照相。
- I always choose up to five cars to compare when I buy a new car. 买新车时,我总是会选择五辆以上的车来作比较。
- Let's choose up and play ball. 咱们分成两队开始赛球吧。
- Two cards up,one down; the up side of a tossed coin. 两张牌朝上,一张牌朝下;抛出的一枚硬币朝上的一面。
- Adjust the highlighted area at the bottom of the iTunes window to choose up to 30 seconds of the song. 调整iTunes窗口底部的高亮显示区域,以选取歌曲的多达30秒钟的片段。
- chosen up sidesv. 选择队员
- Latham coded his system to allow him to choose up to five parents and assign each parent varying weights of inheritability. 拉萨姆对他的系统进行编码,让他可以选择多达五个父母,给每个父母分配不同的可遗传权重。
- B, Sacrifice Discordant Dirge: Look at target opponent's hand and choose up to X of those cards, where X is the number of verse counters on Discordant Dirge. B, 牺牲走调挽歌:检视目标对手的手牌并从中选择最多X张牌,X等于走调挽歌上词句指示物的数量。
- SK: The up side is, it doubles as a trap detection system. The down side involves druids with pointy sticks. 好处是它还能用作陷阱侦测系统。坏处包括一群拿着尖木棒的德鲁伊。
- Third, setting up sides reduces the determination of the suit to some yes-or-no questions, which are easier for an unbiased judge. 第三,树立对立面使案件的处决变成了几道是非题,使不具偏见的法官罗容易处理。
- Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down, with his feet on the branch. 然后,老猴子倒挂在大树上
- The whale shark was later found dead floating up side down having presumably died from suffocation and toxic poisoning. 后来,鲸鲨尸体被发现漂浮于本港水域,有可能由于窒息及中毒致死。
- Let's choose up to see. 看是选定。