- I like ice-cream with chocolate sauce. 我喜欢加巧克力汁的冰淇淋。
- Banana ice cream with hot chocolate sauce for me, please. 请给我来一份浇上热巧克力汁的香蕉冰琪淋。
- Put the strawberries, chocolate sauce and peanuts on the ice cream. 最后将草莓、巧克力酱和花生放在冰淇淋上,
- CARL:Banana ice cream with hot chocolate sauce for me please. 卡尔:一个香蕉冰淇淋加热的巧克力沙司。
- Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken. 墨西哥人制作一种叫做巧克力辣沙司的辣味沙司,并把它倒到鸡面上。
- For dessert, I had a scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. 作为点心,我吃了一勺香草冰激凌加巧克力酱。
- Swiss Chocolate and Vanila Dream ice cream, banana, chocolate sauce, cream and toasted almonds. 瑞士巧克力冰淇淋、香草梦幻冰淇淋、香蕉、巧克力酱、奶油及烤杏仁。
- For the ultimate indulgence, drizzle with the chocolate sauce in the profiterole recipe on page 50. 想要终极享受,那么请参考第50页的巧克力酱泡芙食谱吧。
- You need two bananas, some ice cream, a few strawberries, chocolate sauce and some peanuts. 你需要两根香蕉、一些冰淇淋、少许的草莓、巧克力酱和一些花生。
- You need two bananas, some ice cream, [b][u]a few[/u][/b] strawberries, chocolate sauce and some peanuts. 你需要两根香蕉、一些冰淇淋、少许的草莓、巧克力酱和一些花生。
- Strawberry and Macadamia ice cream garnished with raspberry and chocolate sauce and delicious Royal Danish Pastry. 现烤进口皇家丹麦派酥,搭配草莓及夏威夷果仁冰淇淋,淋上覆盆子及巧克力酱,让您吃一口就爱上它。
- Toast first, apply chocolate sauce, strawberry jam again, insert biscuits again excellently, toast again, one is put finally. 先烘烤、再涂巧克力酱、草莓酱、再插饼干棒,再次烘烤,最后装盘。
- This is a first-place finish.A big rich slice of chocolate fudge cake drizzled with chocolate sauce and served with vanilla ice cream, Yep, chocolate on top of chocolate. 这是最佳的餐后甜点,一大块巧克力蛋糕上还撒有一层柔软的巧克力酱,另外配有香草冰淇淋,耶,巧克力上还是巧克力!
- It is chocolate sauce origining from Australia and made from high qulity materials.Adding ice and water,it can be made into frozen drink whipped by beater. 产自澳大利亚的巧克力酱,选用优质的原料精制而成可加入冰块和水,经搅拌机搅打后制成冰沙。
- thick chocolate sauce served hot. 浓的巧克力沙司,热时食用。
- Or Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce 香草冰淇淋配朱古力汁
- Hot chocolate pudding with chocolate sauce 热巧克力布丁配巧克力沙司
- Sticks of fresh fruits with hot chocolate sauce 朱古力水果串
- ice-cream topped with chocolate sauce 浇上巧克力汁的冰激凌.
- ball of ice cream covered with coconut and usually chocolate sauce. 冰淇淋做成的球,表面有椰子肉,通常有巧克力沙司。