- Hence, I gentleness chocked to death child. 于是,我温柔地掐死了小孩子。
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- I'm sorry to obtrude on you at such a time. 我很抱歉在这个时候打扰你。
- I referred to my watch for the exact time. 我看了一下手表好知道准确的时间。
- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- It took him long time to smooth away perplexities. 他花了好长时间才消除了困惑。
- You feel chocked to work with those who are one track-minded. 和一根筋儿的人在一起工作真憋气.
- It is time to pony up on that bill. 是照帐付钱的时候了。
- Forgot a computer password, oneself chocked to death oneself. 忘了电脑密码,自己把自己掐死。
- My explanation took a long time to sink in. 我的解释很久才被人理解。
- He does odd jobs for me from time to time. 他有时给我干点零活。
- He used to abandon his work for months at a time. 他过去每次放下工作就是几个月。
- We're just in time to catch the train. 我们正好赶上了火车。
- I think the trip may give me time to simmer down. 我以为这次旅行会给我时间冷静下来。
- She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talk. 她企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。
- Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight. 古代的士兵用饰有花纹的盾作战。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。