- The compound butyl rubber is calendered. 将混制成的丁基橡胶进行精压。
- Silicones and urethanes are by far the leading sealant products followed by latex and butyl rubber. 到目前为止密封剂产品主要是硅树脂和聚氨酯橡胶,其次是乳胶和丁基橡胶。
- The market status, demands and applications of butyl rubber are analyzed, the market prospect in domestic is predicted. 对丁基橡胶市场、需求、应用情况进行分析,并对国内的市场前景进行了预测。
- First, in change sealant padding, including carbon black, terpene, 6,240, butyl rubber, stearic acid, talcum powder. 一、改变密封胶中的填料,其中包括炭黑、萜烯、6240、丁基橡胶、硬脂酸、滑石粉。
- Butyl rubber closures had replaced of natural rubber closures and had been applied in pharmaceutical packaging. 丁基胶塞已经逐步取代天然胶塞,在药品包装行业广泛应用。
- The synthesis of star-branched polyisobutylene(IB) and star-branched butyl rubber containing low gel were studied. 研究了采用含双键的低分子量聚合物接枝剂合成星形支化丁基橡胶。
- Moreover, the data of aging of butyl rubber vulcanizate have been calculated and analyzed by means of this method. 并利用此模型计算分析了丁基硫化橡胶基于温度与时间老化预报。
- OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of butyl rubber stopper on the stability of procaine hydrochloride injection. 目的研究丁基橡胶塞对普鲁卡因注射液稳定性的影响。
- Biological and pharmaceutical primary packaging components, container, vial, ampoule, bottle, butyl rubber stopper, metal seal etc. 生物医药包装,容器,西林瓶,模子瓶,配件,丁基胶塞,铝盖。
- A kind of modified asphalt adhesive was made using asphalt as base,butyl rubber as modifier,rosin resin as tackifier and asbestos powder as filler. 以石油沥青为基料,丁基橡胶为改性剂,松香树脂为增粘剂,石棉粉为填料,合成了一种汽车底盘用改性沥青胶粘剂。
- OBJECTIVE To discuss the effects of temperature on the unsolvable particles of halogenated butyl rubber stopper for injection. 目的用以讨论试验温度对注射液用卤化丁基橡胶塞不溶性微粒的影响。
- Rheological behaviors of melt chlorinated butyl rubber(CIIR)/polyethylacrylate(PEA) blends in different dynamically cured time were studied. 研究了由不同动态硫化时间制备的氯化丁基橡胶(CIIR)和聚丙烯酸乙酯(PEA)共混物熔体的流变行为。
- A one-component contact adhesive based on modified bromoinated butyl rubber for seaming EPDM roofing membrane was developed. 研制了一种单组分三元乙丙防水片材接缝用接触型胶粘剂。
- And, our main exporting items are plastic film tape, butyl rubber tape and acrylic foam tape for mainly electronic &auto industry. 我们主要的出口产品是电子、汽车工业用塑料膜带、丁基橡胶带及丙烯酸发泡带。
- An extruded self adhesive tape for lap seam of EPDM sheet has brominated butyl rubber as main ingredient and appropriate aids. 介绍了一种以溴化丁基橡胶为主体材料,加入适当的化学助剂,经挤出成型的三元乙丙橡胶高分子片材搭接缝用自粘胶带。
- The waste butyl rubber can be mainly reclaimed by the use of regenerated rubber and waste rubber powder or activated waste rubber powder. 再生胶、胶粉及活化胶粉是废丁基橡胶回收利用的主要途径和方法,其中再生胶应用效果最好。
- Thermally reversible non-convalent hydrogen-bonded was introduced into Butyl Rubber via the reaction of Brominated IIR with 4-aminouracil. 氢键自组装是超分子体系中相对较新颖和具有吸引力的领域。在聚合物中引入氢键,利用氢键相互作用形成自组装的大分子网络体系,所得氢键交联弹性体具有良好的热力学性能。
- Our company is located in the most livable, beautiful seaside city, Weihai, China. We deal in various Tires, Butyl Rubber Tubes, Natura.. 经销批发)主营:三角轮胎双星轮胎;内胎垫带;";橡六";运输带;韩国自行车带;
- The main materials we used are including silicone rubber, fluorubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, EPDM, butyl rubber, polyurethane, polyethylene, EVA, ABS, PP, and PVC. 使用的原料有硅橡胶、氟橡胶、天然橡胶、氯丁橡胶、三元乙丙橡胶、丁基橡胶、聚氨脂橡胶、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、EVA、ABS、PP、PVC等。
- A newly developed single-component contact adhesive,which has modified butyl rubber as main material,can be used for seaming EPDM waterproofing membrane. 以改性丁基橡胶为主体材料,研制了一种三元乙丙防水片材接缝用接触型单组分胶粘剂,并测试了其性能,同时与其他常用胶粘剂作了比较。