- actinolite schist 阳起片岩
- 5) actinolite schist. 阳起片岩.
- Actinolite has a monoclinic crystal structure, and it may alter to chlorite. 阳起石有单斜晶体结构,可以转变成绿泥石。
- It is pointed out that fractures in the contacting zone between tonalite and ultrabasic rocks or chlorite schist are favourable sites for... 提出英云闪长岩脉与超基性岩及绿泥石片岩边缘接触带中构造破碎带是有利的控矿构造部位,含黄铁矿硫化物石英脉是有利的找矿标志。
- No sodium chlorite bleaching allowed by us. 允许非亚氯酸钠漂白。
- Bodhisattva Maitreya in Grey Schist. 萨弥勒灰色片岩。
- Of these minerals, kaolinite, illite and chlorite are commonest. 在这些矿物中,高岭石,伊利石和绿泥石最常见。
- Clay minerals are the mixture of chlorite and smectite and illite. 粘土矿物主要为绿泥石/蒙脱石混层和伊利石;
- Detrital zircon gains of three schist samples collected f... 北京100029中国科学院研究生院地球科学学院;
- Qing Meng Shi Chlorite Schist Lapis Chloriti 变质岩类黑云母片岩或绿泥石
- The lithology of B petrofabric is schist interlated with marble, quartzite. B岩组的岩性主要是各种片岩夹有大理岩、英岩。
- The main types of clay minerals are illite, smectite, kaolinite and chlorite. 粘土矿物主要由伊利石、蒙皂石、高岭石和绿泥石组成。
- The REE of breccia biotite schist represents feature of oceanic tholeiite. 角砾状黑云母片岩的REE具有洋脊拉斑玄武岩特征;
- Features of sodium chlorite bleaching for cotton knits are described. 本文叙述了亚氯酸钠对纯棉针织物漂白的特点。
- We are used to sanitize the sewage by liquid chlorine and natrium chlorite. 过去,对医院污水多采用液氯法和次氯酸消毒法。
- These are: kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite, chlorite and vermiculite. 这些国家是:高岭石,蒙脱石,伊利石,绿泥石和蛭石。
- The amphibole in the Mengku iron deposit is actinolite belonging to ferro-edenite. 角闪石属于单斜角闪石中的阳起石。
- The massive sulfide contains fragments of barren and mineralized gabbro, and schist. 块状硫化物中含有矿化的和未矿化的辉长岩及片岩碎块。
- There are 2 types of anthophyllite in the deposit, ie wollastonite anthophyllite and actinolite anthophyllite. 直闪岩矿体呈带状延长,由十几个矿体组成,可分为含硅灰石直闪岩和含石榴子石直闪岩两种岩材类型。
- The pyroclastic rock fragments comprise quartzite, schist, gneiss, basalt, andesite, rhyolite and quartz. 火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、岩、麻岩、武岩、山岩和流纹岩.