- In order to obtain high stability &reliability chip NTC thermistor, coating glass to the NTC ceramic surface is one of the effective methods. 摘要为了得到更稳定、可靠的片式NTC热敏电阻器,在芯片表面涂覆一层玻璃釉是有效的途径之一。
- In order to obtain high stability & reliability chip NTC thermistor, coating glass to the NTC ceramic surface is one of the effective methods. 为了得到更稳定、可靠的片式NTC热敏电阻器,在芯片表面涂覆一层玻璃釉是有效的途径之一。
- The experiment of looking for matching glass paste and silver paste, adjusting technology to obtaining glass sealed chip NTC thermistor were introduced. 为此调整了玻璃釉包覆片式NTC热敏电阻器所进行的工艺,进行了玻璃浆及银浆的选取和匹配工作。
- Development of Glass Sealed Chip NTC Thermistor 玻璃釉包覆片式NTC热敏电阻器的研制
- chip NTC thermistor 片式NTC热敏电阻
- The circuit therefore includes an NTC thermistor. 因此电路中包括了一个NTC电热调节器。
- The composition, technique and characters about the manganite based NTC thermistor materials were reviewed in this paper. 摘要本文对含锰尖晶石系列热敏电阻材料的组成、制备工艺和性能给予了评述。
- MF52E model the NTC thermistor is made of new materials and enveloped by epoxy resin, which have many excellence such as high precision and fast reaction. MF52E型热敏电阻器是采用新材料,新工艺生产的小体积的环氧树脂包封型NTC热敏电阻器,具有高精度和快速反应等优点。
- Abstract: This article introduces a negative temperature coefficient by NTC thermistor temperature sensor to the temperature protection device. 摘要 :本论文介绍一种采用NTC负温度系数热敏电阻做温度传感器的温度保护装置。
- A new complex thick film NTC thermistor material consisting of NTG semiconductor ceramic,B-Si-Pb glass and proper amount of Ag powder is studied in this paper. 本文研究了一种新型复合厚膜NTC热敏电阻材料。这种材料是由负温度系数热敏半导体陶瓷(简称NTC热敏半导瓷)、硼硅酸铅系玻璃粉和适量的导体粉末(银粉)组成的三成份体系复合材料。
- Chosen temperature control thermistor, should focus on NTC thermistor temperature control of compliance with the requirements of the application circuit. 选用温度控制热敏电阻器时,应注重NTC热敏电阻器的温度控制范围是否符合应用电路的要求。
- This is the first time that the thermovision is used to observe the woking status of NTC thermistor, and the experimental result is presented in the article. 本文阐述了首次用热象仪观测工作状态下的NTC热敏电阻基片所得的结果。
- Shanghai mec electronic NTC Thermistor devices are made of a specially formulated metal oxide ceramic material which is capable of suppressing high inrush current surges. 敏正电子的NTC热敏电阻器系由特殊配置的金属氧化物陶瓷材料制成,它可用来抑制高的突波电流。
- HUALONG electronic NTC Thermistor devices are made of a specially formulated metal oxide ceramic material which is capable of suppressing high inrush current surges. 华龙的NTC热敏电阻器系由特殊配置的金属氧化物陶瓷材料制成,它可用来抑制高的突波电流。
- NTC thermistors had been certificated with ISO9001:2000 standard. 产品有钢木、全钢、全木结构等实验室家具。
- We batch produce high-precision NTC thermistor, temperature sensor, electronic clinical thermometer, ultrasonic tooth scaler and laser therapeutic apparatus strictly in line of ISO9002 standard. 是主营测温型NTC热敏电阻研制、生产、服务,兼营医疗电子产品开发生产的高新技术企业。
- This paper presents the working principle and electronic circuits of an automatic temperature monitor for refrigerating storage applications with the NTC thermistor as its sensing element. 本文介绍了采用负温度系数热敏电阻作为温度传感元件的冷库温度自动监控仪的电路设计及其工作原理。
- In 2001, formed the essence of Electronics Co., Ltd.Shenzhen Branch-sensitive components, specializing in the production of "essence" (KINGKRI) licensing PTC / NTC thermistor temperature sensor. 2001年,组建深圳市精萃电子有限公司敏感元件分公司,专业生产“精萃”(KINGKRI)牌PTC/NTC热敏电阻、温度传感器。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- Linearization and Application of NTC Thermistor NTC热敏电阻的线性化及其应用