- In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Chimonanthus praecox Link. 蜡梅的离体培养与植株再生。
- Chimonanthus praecox could be divided into three groups by UPGMA cluster analysis. 利用群体间欧氏距离进行的UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,蜡梅野生群体可以划分为3类。
- Physiological index of photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and mineral nutrients of dominant species of Chimonanthus praecox community in Northwest Hunan were carried out. 对湘西北腊梅群落中4个优势树种的光合、呼吸、蒸腾以及矿质营养等基本生理生态学指标进行了测试分析。
- In fact, chrysanthemum, teamed up with chimonanthus praecox (winter plum blossom), orchid, and bamboo are called four gentleman plants for their excellent characters. 菊花象征着凌冰傲霜,斗魂不死,不躁不妄,不急不徐,风霜淬励,自香自珍的花格,代表的是与世无争,高风亮节的君子风范!
- Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link. 腊梅花
- Chimonanthus praecox Link. 蜡梅
- Based on the theory of fuzzy hypervolume niche,8 species' niches of Chimonanthus praecox community in northwestern Hunan province are studied according to the basic data of the samplings. 在模糊超体积生态位理论的基础上;根据样地调查所获得的基本数据;研究了湘西北蜡梅群落中8个物种的生态位.
- early flowering Chimonanthus praecox 早花蜡梅
- flower of Chimonanthus praecox Link. 蜡梅花
- Chimonanthus praecox Link. Var. concolor 素心蜡梅
- Chimonanthus praecox Link. Var. intermedius 红心蜡梅
- Chimonanthus praecox var. concolor 素心蜡梅
- Chimonanthus praecox var. reflexa 卷瓣蜡梅
- Chimonanthus praecox var. reflexa f. versicolor 跳枝蜡梅
- Phenotypic Diversity of Chimonanthus praecox Germplasm in China 蜡梅种质资源表型多样性
- The Fertilization and Embryogenesis of Chimonanthus praecox Link 腊梅的受精作用及胚胎发生
- Antioxidant Effects of Chimonanthus praecox Flower Extract 腊梅花提取物抗氧化作用研究
- Determination of Flavonoid in Chimonanthus Praecox of Different Origins 不同产地腊梅花总黄酮含量的测定
- Keywords Chimonanthus praecox;flavonoid;active oxygen;antioxidant effect; 关键词腊梅花;黄酮;活性氧;抗氧化作用;
- Preparation of the observation slides of chromosome of Chimonanthus praecox root tip 蜡梅根尖染色体观察制片方法