- A sweep of chilly air passed by, rustling all the leaves and snowing the flaky ashes broadcast about the fire. 一阵凉风袭来,树叶沙沙作响,火堆里的灰,雪花似地四处飞撒。
- As sunlight streamed through the barn, the horse was wide awake and waiting in his stall, blowing steam through his nostrils in the chilly air. 阳光照进了屋子,那匹马已经完全醒了,正等在马厩里,鼻孔中朝寒冷的空气中呼出热气。
- The cabin had been built right on the ground and bad no wooden floor.It was without glass windows;it had only openings in the side which let in the light, and also the cold, chilly air of winter. 小屋直接造在地面上,没有木质地板,更没有玻璃窗,仅仅在一侧有几个窗口,可以让光线照射进来,也可以让严冬寒冷的气流得侵袭进来。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- He had a chilly welcome of our coming. 他冷淡地迎接我们的到来。
- A gust of chilly autumn wind is blowing from the north. 一阵冷飕飕的秋风从北方吹来。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。
- The air held a foretaste of a storm. 天气有要括大风的迹象。
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
- A walk in the fresh air will pep me up. 我在空气新鲜的地方散步就感到精神饱满。
- I feel dizzy [groggy, listless, sore all over, a bit chilly]. 我头晕[身子软,没有精神,全身酸疼,有一点凉]。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- How much chilli did you put in the curry? 你在咖喱食品中放了多少辣椒?
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- His modesty [air of joviality] was all put on. 他的谦逊[愉快的样子]都是装出来的。
- Ida was choking with the dry air. 空气干燥,艾达感到喘不过气来。
- It often happens that a balmy morning passes into a chilly afternoon. 一个温和的上午常常转为一个寒冷的下午。
- His vibrant voice commove the air. 他响亮的声音振动了空气。