- A shiver ran over his body. or A chill shot through him. 他打了个寒噤。
- Pour 1 single measure of ice cold Peach Schnapps into chilled shot glass. 将桃味儿蒸馏酒入冰镇子弹杯,以吧匙背面注入同样数量的酸果蔓汁,再注入伏特加。
- Pour all ingredients over ice into a shaker. Shake, then strain into a chilled shot glass. 加冰摇后滤入冰镇后的子弹杯。
- Pour Absinth, chilled BOLS Gold Strike and chilled apple liqueur in a chilled shooter. 将苦艾酒;冰过的波士金箭和冰过的苹果利口倒入冰过的子弹杯.
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- The night air chilled his bones. 夜间的寒气使他感到冰冷彻骨。
- The fox ran away before the hunter shot it. 那只狐狸在猎人向它射击前跑掉了。
- Come by the fire you must be chilled to the marrow! 到火旁边来吧--你一定冻坏了。
- A chill struck into the narrow of his bones. 他感到一股寒意,透入骨髓。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- He shot his way through the police cordon. 他开枪射击突破警察的警戒线。
- This wine is best served chilled. 这种葡萄酒最好冷饮。
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。
- White wine should be slightly chilled. 白葡萄酒应稍微冰一下。
- The sentry was ordered to shoot on sight. 哨兵奉命一发现目标就射击。
- The wildness in her air chilled my blood. 她神态里的荒芜使我的血都凉了。
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- The news in her letter chilled my blood. 她信里的消息使我恐惧不安。
- Snipers shot at the invaders from the roof tops. 狙击手从房顶上向侵略者射击。