- In order to have a career in teaching a constant impetus to become a more competent professional child care teachers. 如此才能在教学生涯中产生一股不断向前的动力,让自己成为一个更称职更专业的幼儿教师。
- The issue of how to provide adequate child care. 如何提供适当的儿童护理的难题
- child care teachers 幼儿教师
- The cost of child care has almost doubled over the past 10 years. 在过去的10年时间里,育儿费涨了几乎一倍。
- Bork, bork, bork child care that was opened, the question of "teacher, why do you draw a deep ink you have a light? 于是幼儿七嘴八舌地说开了,这个问“老师,为什么你一笔画出的墨有深有浅呀?”
- We were exposed to the latest theories on child care. 我们接触过有关幼儿保健的最新理论。
- The standard of child care is very low in many homes. 在许多家庭里,对孩子的照顾是不足的。
- Kim is an extremely caring teacher. kim是一个极其关心学生的好老师。
- The child carefully printed his name in capitals at the bottom of his picture. 那孩子在他那张图画的下面用印刷体大写字母仔细地书写了自己的名字。
- Is a guide to the role, this time to avoid that we are, some teachers may not standard pronunciation, he may also be the extent of child care is not very strong. 是一个引导者的作用,这时就避免了我们目前说到的,有一些老师可能发音不标准,也可能他的幼儿化的程度不是很强。
- Would the children care for some more cake? 孩子们愿意再要些蛋糕吗?
- More nurseries will be built to fill the need for high-quality child care. 将建立更多的托儿所以满足高质量儿童保育的需要。
- The findings of the committee on child care due to be published soon. 委员会关于保护儿童的调查很快就要发表了。
- The findings of the study group on child care are due to be published soon. 儿童看护研究小组的调查结果将很快发表。
- Fifth, this company elder advertises for the health care teacher, theexcellent service, and welcome the man of insight to ally chain-like. 五、本公司长年招聘保健师,待遇优厚,并欢迎有识之士加盟连锁。
- Xiaoli donated some stationary to the orphans in a child care center. 小李为保育院的孤儿捐赠了些学习用品。
- Between 1965 and 2008, men tripled the amount of time they spent on child care. 从1965年至2008年,男性照看孩子的时间增加了两倍。
- Her arrest for drunken driving may jeopardize her work as a doctor specializing in child care. 她因酒后驾驶被捕也许会使她儿科大夫的工作处于危险境地。
- Students will be given the care and love and instructed by homeroom teachers, academic teachers and care teachers entirely, completely, absolutely and definitely from every aspect such as: learning, living, moral, psychology, habits, etc. 班主任、任课教师和生活老师从学习、生活、品德、心理、行为习惯等方面,全方位、立体型的关爱和指导。
- None of my children cared about the violin. 我的几个孩子没有一个喜欢小提琴的。