- chicken head louse 鸡头虱
- Carol: Where's the letter, head louse? 卡罗尔:信呢,头虱?
- He has a chicken head for maths. 他不擅长数学。
- The head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis is a tiny insect which lives on the hair. Occasionally, it is also seen in the eyebrows or beard. 头虱是一种寄生于头发上的细小昆虫,有时亦会在眼眉或胡须间出现。
- The head louse, Pediculus humanus, lives in the forest of fine hairs on the scalp.Its cousin, the body louse, lives not on the skin but in clothes. 头虱生在人的头发之中,其近亲体虱居于衣服,而不是身体。
- Head lice cannot jumpfly they can only crawl. 头虱不会跳,也不会飞。它们只能爬。
- Be wanted senior in the chicken head being offered politely to the guest by chicken, drumstick give up to age is minimal guest. 吃鸡要把鸡头敬给客人中的长者,鸡腿让给年纪最小的客人。
- Extraordinary microscopic photography reveals the miniature worlds of the multi clawed head louse and the most misunderstood superhero of the insect world the common flea. 节目利用先进的摄影艺术,我们就可以一窥头蝨和跳蚤等小昆虫的小世界。
- In 2003, Mark Stoneking, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, estimated from DNA differences that the body louse evolved from the head louse about 107,000 years ago. 2003年,普朗克学院的基因学家斯通金估算体虱大概在十万七千年前于头虱分叉。
- He is a chicken head. 他是个笨蛋。
- So biologists have long been puzzled over the fact that the human head louse is a sister species to the chimpanzee louse, but the pubic louse is closely related to the gorilla louse. 所以生物学家长期为此困惑:为什么人类的头虱是黑猩猩虱子的近亲。而阴虱却是大猩猩虱子的近亲。
- Tea tree oil is sometimes used in shampoos for head lice. 而茶树精油也会添加在洗发精里以去除头蝨(惊!)
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- People who are suspected to have head lice should consult their doctors. 怀疑患上头虱的人应向医生求诊。
- Give me an order of chicken curry. 给我来一份咖喱鸡。
- Leave the chicken out overnight to thaw it out. 把这只鸡在外放一晚上就解冻了。
- Under careful inspection, eggs of head lice can be found at the bottom of the hair near the scalp. 若仔细检验,可在患者头发底层近头皮处发现头虱卵的踪迹。
- She used up the chicken bones to make soup. 她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- He decorated the chicken with sprigs of parsley. 他用欧芹的嫩枝点缀在鸡上。