- chemistry education websites 化学教育网站
- Green chemistry education is the reform and development of the traditional chemistry teaching. 绿色化学教学是对传统的化学教育思维的更新和发展。
- So, it has become one of the central subjects of nowaday chemistry teaching innovation by the saturation of chemistry history into chemistry education. 所以,将化学史渗透到化学教学中成为当前化学教学改革的中心议题之一。
- This paper was fulfilled by combining the present chemistry education innovation trend, imbibing the formers’ research production and teaching experience. 本文是在结合当前化学教育改革的趋势,吸取前人的研究成果和教学经验的基础上完成的。
- It rethinks moreover, the problem existing in the research, thus bringing forward the forsight about the tendency of the models of chemistry education research. 反思了研究中存在的问题,提出了有关化学教学模式研究发展方向的几点思考。
- It rethinks moreover,the problem existing in the research, thus bringing forward the forsight about the tendency of the models of chemistry education research. 反思了研究中存在的问题,提出了有关化学教学模式研究发展方向的几点思考。
- A unique view was put forward concerning the cunrrent situation and characteristic in the field of chemistry education in china , with an ample detailed introduction to the past ten - year ICCE. 本文以详实的资料介绍了近10年来国际化学教育会议的情况,同时针对我国化学教育的现状,对当今化学教育发展的特点,提出了颇有意义的见解。
- In college chemistry education,teachers can foster students' abilities to discover,feel,appreciat and creat the real beauty of chemistry by weaving aesthetics into classroom teaching. 在大学化学中渗透美育能培养学生发现、感受、鉴赏、表现和创造化学美的能力,同时形成一定的化学审美意识和修养。
- In order to serve for the secondary chemistry education,we tabled the concept of inquiry microscale experiment by analyzing our microscale experiment fruits of our chemistry education institute. 为了实现高校教学研究和基础教育改革的衔接,针对新一轮化学课程中的实验教学改革,结合本课题组的研究方向和实验研究成果,作者首次提出了探究性微型化学实验的概念。
- ideological and political education websites 思想政治教育网站
- Scientific Literacy Education (SLE) is the global educational innovation development direction and the exploration focus upon the chemistry education reform. 科学素质教育是当代世界范围内科学教育革新发展的主导方向,也是化学教育改革探讨的中心课题之一。
- How to make use of the environmental protection edu cation in the experiment teaching in, put in the chemistry educator in front of a deserve deep into study of lesson. 如何寓环境保护教育于实验教学之中,是摆在化学教育工作者面前的一个值得深入探讨的课题。
- Application of set theory in chemistry education 集合在化学教学中的应用
- chemistry education of middle school 中学化学教学
- higher inorganic chemistry education 无机化学教育
- Middle school chemistry education 中学化学教育
- The results of this research have been put into use on Tianjin primary and middle school teachers'further education website(http://www.tj-iei.com) to be checked by practice. 以上研究成果已经在天津市中小学教师继续教育网站中(http://www.;tj-iei
- advanced normal chemistry education 高师化学教育
- evaluation of chemistry education 化学教学评价
- information on chemistry education 化学教育信息