- The lawn was checkered with sunlight and shade. 草坪上光影交错成方格图案。
- checkered adder 箭斑滑楯蛇
- The checker checks on the quality of our products. 检查者检查我们的产品的质量。
- The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade. 树丛下的地面光影交错。
- The checker made a check on all the victims' friends. 检查者对所有受害者的朋友进行了调查。
- High-speed digit-serial adder and its application. 高速数字串行加法器及其应用。
- English: Whom an adder bites, dreads a lizard. 中文:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
- Timer setting:Ladder / Non-ladder adder. 定时功能:累加/不累加。
- He'd had a checkered past in the government. 他过去在政界浮沉。
- Peter waving a checkered flag as he passes! 真是一段不可思议的预言。
- A family with a checkered past . 一队卫兵整齐地跑过去。
- The checkered is mine, the printed is yours. 格格的是我的,印花的是你的。
- Just go through the ticket checker over there. 从那边检票口往前走,
- The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. 蝰蛇在英国也是唯一一种有毒的蛇。
- Run a virus checker that monitors site traffic. 运行监视站点通信量的病毒检查程序。
- Why, thou art as foul as the toal, and as loathsome as the adder. 看啊,你跟蟾蜍一样地难看,跟毒蛇一样地可恶。
- Softbiz Automatic Link Checker v. 搜索链接。
- Start the spelling checker by pressing F7. 按F7启动拼写检查。
- Auto Tin Feeder; Auto Tin level checker. 自动加锡机构;自动锡面侦测.
- The spell checker program seems to have crashed. 拼写检查程序似乎已崩溃。