- I think chatting online is a waste of time. 我认为网上聊天是浪费时间。
- Jenna: No, I'm chatting online with a friend. 詹娜:不啊,我正在上网和一个朋友聊天。
- Tess: Because chatting online is more fun. 苔丝:因为在线聊天更有趣。
- You need to follow netiquette when chatting online. 网上聊天时;你也要遵守网络礼节.
- Where are the children? They are chatting online. 孩子们在哪里?他们在网上聊天。
- How often do you chat online? -Once a week? 你多经常上网聊天?-每周一次。
- That is to chat online in English. 那就是在网上用英语聊天.
- Chatting online is also a way to keep in touch with our friends. 网上聊天也是和好朋友保持联络的一种方式。
- However, I must say that chatting online is a waste of time. 在我看来上网聊天是在浪费时间。
- From my point of view, chatting online is a waste of time. 我个人认为,上网聊天是一种浪费时间。
- I usually spend about 10 hours chatting online every week," she said. 我一般每星期聊10个小时,”她说到。
- I'm trying to improve my English through chatting online in English. 我正通过网上聊天来提高我的英语。
- We haven't seen each other for years, but we chat online now and then. 我们已有很多年没见过面了,但是我们有时会上网聊一聊。
- One A: Haveyou heard of Yahoo Messenger, auseful software for chat online? 你听说过雅虎信使吗。
- A: Have you heard of Yahoo Messenger, a useful software for chat online? 你听说过雅虎信使吗?一个很有用的在线聊天软件。
- I hope we can more chats online in English. 希望以后咱俩在网上用英语多聊聊.
- One other thing to be aware of when chatting online with native English speakers is the netspeak they use. 另一个在网上和英语国家人聊天需要注意的问题是他们使用的网络用语。
- The most exciting result of chatting online is that I can share joy and happiness with many people. 上网聊天最令人激动的收获是我可以和许多人分享欢乐与幸福。
- After the exam, all the lessons in school also came to an end. During waiting for the final result, xu killed time away by chatting online every day. 公务员考试笔试后,学校的课程也都结束了。在等待成绩的日子里,许玉萌每天靠上网聊天打发难熬的时光。
- Believe it or not, by reading this book, you will be able to chat online in English very soon. 信不信由你,只要翻开这本书,就能立刻在网上用英语自由聊天。