- Soccer star Beckham is famous for his charming appearance and consummate techniques. 球星“贝克汉姆”有迷人的外包装,加上精湛球技才实至名归。
- You showed a charming appearance before the listeners. Your speech is persuasive. Use some gestures as aid to your speech. (你仪表堂堂;魅力四射;倾倒了听众;演讲极具说服力.;应当在演说中添加一些手势
- Peony, I do not see you charming appearance, but to see the quality of your noble. I love you Paeoniflorin of early April, you are examples to us all! 芍药,我没有看到你娇美的容颜,却看到了你高贵的品质。我爱你四月初的芍药,你是我们学习的榜样!
- Bamboo could give elegant impression with its graceful, elegant and charming appearance and sentimental virtue with the diligency and never wither all the year around. 竹类植物婀娜多姿、妩媚秀丽,给人以优雅的感受,又坚韧挺拔、终年不凋,显示高风亮节的情操。
- Sophia has it all over Olivia in looks and charm. 索菲娅的长相和魅力都胜过奥利维亚。
- Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm. 你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。
- No one can fail to be struck with her charm. 人人都被她的魅力所吸引。
- She had a distinctive appearance. 她的外貌与众不同。
- I was swept off my feet by her wit and charm. 她才貌双全,我佩服得五体投地。
- It is impossible to charm away the whooping-cough. 用符咒驱除百日咳是不可能的。
- I found Susan a very charming person. 我发现苏珊是个非常可爱的人。
- It was, in its way, a very charming room. 这间房就其特点而言是十分漂亮的了。
- Her colorful character makes her very charming. 她生动活泼的性格使她非常富有魅力。
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。
- You should take more pride in your appearance. 你应该多注意一点仪表。
- Her charm rests in her happy smile. 她的魅力在于她幸福的微笑。
- He did not answer and was to all appearance asleep. 他没有答话,看来是睡着了。
- She favored him with a charming smile. 她赐给他迷人的一笑。
- We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我们不应该以貌取人。
- On the surface, she's a charming, helpful person. 从表面上看,她又很动人又肯助人。