- charm of Korean TV series 韩剧魅力
- Korean TV Series: Circulation and Enlightenment as a Cultural Brand 韩剧:作为一种文化品牌的传播与启示
- Her charm of manner made her very popular. 她风度优雅,备受欢迎。
- This part of the TV series is spun out. 这一集电视剧拖得太长了。
- The plot of the TV series is quite complex. 那部电视连续剧的情节相当复杂。
- No, I do not think much of this TV series. 不,我觉得这部电视连续剧并不怎么样。
- The TV series became popular across the country. 这部电视连续剧在全国各地广受欢迎。
- Our TV series are much better than those of Japan. 我国的电视剧比日本的好得多。注意:本句是泛指。
- I don't think much of TV series. 我不太喜欢电视连续剧。
- The charm of the place soon gets under your skin. 这地方很美丽,你很快就会爱上这个地方。
- No, I don't think much of this TV series. 不,我觉得这部电视连续剧并不怎么样。
- The charm of travel lies in its new experiences. 旅游的诱人这处在于它使人获得新的阅历。
- He's overboard for the new TV series. 他对新的电视连续剧著了迷。
- All the charm of their intimacy was gone. 他们之间那种亲密的闲情逸致也就此完了。
- The charm of her emotions all disguised. 感情方面的缠绵完全隐藏起来了。
- The TV series "A Dream of the Red Chambers". 电视连续剧《红楼梦》。
- Buncn of Korean pussy faggots have no dick. 非常...非常 敬佩 就是这样!!!!支持!!再支持!!!!恰恰好样的!!!!!
- She gave me one packet of Korean Seaweed also! 她也送了我一包来自韩国的紫菜呢!
- I am an ardent fan of the TV series The Big Idea. 我是一个忠实的电视连续剧大主意的爱好者。
- Where does the charm of Communist Party come from? 共产党人的魅力从哪里来?