- chaotic additives encryption 混沌加性加密
- People can react badly to certain food additives. 有的人对某些食物添加剂产生严重变态反应。
- There is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs. 事情弄得如此之乱,已经没有什么理由可说了。
- With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic. 因无人维持秩序,教室里一片混乱。
- They are best used to encrypt files on a hard disk. 它们最习惯于加密储存在硬盘上的文件。
- Using encryption takes a bit of forethought. 使用加密功能就必须要事先做些准备工作。
- The traffic in the capital was chaotic. 首都的交通糟透了。
- Then a novel scheme of cascading chaotic stage and conventional encryption stage is proposed. 在此基础上,提出了一个混沌与常规加密级联的系统方案。
- Chaotic as holidays are wont to be. 假日时的混乱场面
- Back up a copy of the database encryption keys. 备份数据库加密密钥的副本。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- Gets or sets the encryption mode of the view state. 获取或设置视图状态的加密模式。
- The orange juice contain a number or additives. 这种桔子汁含有多种化学添加剂。
- To document encryption experimental procedure. 对文件加密的试验程序。
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- Liu Chao of Ninghsiang was killed by the peasants. 宁乡的刘昭,是农民直接打死的。
- EFS uses an encryption key to encrypt your data. EFS使用加密密钥对数据进行加密。
- On the Encryption Keys page, click Change. 在“加密密钥”页上,单击“更改”。
- The chaotic competition of export market. 出口市场无序竞争。