- channel constructed wetland 廊道式人工湿地
- Constructed wetland and its application for industrial wastewater treatment. 人工湿地及其在工业废水处理中的应用。
- Plant is the most important element of disposing of filth in constructed wetland. 植物是人工湿地中最重要的去污成分之一。
- Constructed wetland system for sewage treatment is one of the effective,economical and ecological treatment approaches. 人工湿地污水处理系统是一种经济高效的污水生态处理技术方式。
- The definition, structure and influence factors of depurative effect for contamination removal in constructed wetland system are introduced. 简要介绍了人工湿地的定义、结构组成和系统对污染物去除效果的影响因素。
- A 0.931 ha constructed wetland for mine drainage treatment was installed in the Swatara Creek Watershed in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. 在宾西法尼亚州的Schuylkil县;一个0.;931ha的人工湿地建造在 Swatara Creek流域。
- Ayaz, C.S. and L. Akca, 2000,Treatment of wastewater by constructed wetland in small settlement, Water Science. Technology, 41:69-73. 杨政川,1998,台湾森林环境的生态教育-以扇平森林科学园为例,国家环境周系列研讨会论文集,国立台湾师范大学环境教育中心。
- Plants play important roles in constructed wetland,not only wipes out the pollutants,but also possesses economic value and ecological aesthetics value. 植物在人工湿地中起着非常重要的作用,不但可以去除污染物质,而且具有生态美学和经济价值;
- Ayaz, C. S. and Akca L., 2000. Treatment of Wastewater by Constructed Wetland in Small Settlement. Water Science and Technology, 41 , 69-73. 欧文生,2005。生活污水应用人工湿地处理及再利用之研究。博士论文,国立成功大学建筑研究所。
- Based on the Chengdu Living Water Gaden, this paper described the ecology .landscape character and apllycation prospec of the constructed wetland. 以成都活水公园为例,论述了人工湿地公园的生态特点、景观特点及应用前景。
- And the yield of the reed and bulrush is great in the constructed wetland biological, which is a kind of very high production biology resources. 并且芦苇和香蒲在人工湿地中的生物产量大,是一种很好的高产生物资源。
- The main ways to enhance nitrification ability in constructed wetland were the adjustment of internal structure and improvement of inner mic... 调整湿地内部的结构,改善湿地内部的微环境,是提高人工湿地硝化能力的主要途径。
- Deep salt second channel construction projects progressed smoothly, salt Pai completed highway opened to traffic. 深盐第二通道项目建设进展顺利,盐排高速公路竣工通车。
- The character, condition and purifying mechanism are analyzed of constructed wetland ecology system through self - organization theories. 运用自组织理论对人工湿地生态系统的特征、适用条件及净化机理进行了分析。
- Research on pollutants removal efficiency of the high rate denitrifier applied for constructed wetland with simulating undercurrent was conducted. 摘要研究高效除氮菌的加入对模拟潜流人工湿地除污效果的影响。
- Does not have the market introduction strategy, not to have the concept which the channel constructs, a furniture factory proliferates Guangdong. 没有市场推广的策略、没有渠道建设的概念,一间间家具工厂遍布广东。
- Two sets of downflow-upflow constructed wetland systems planted with different macrophytes were irrigated by water with algae bloom for one week. 以含水华的鱼塘水作为进水灌溉两套上行流-下行流人工湿地系统,系统内种植芦苇等水生植物。
- Constructed wetland is a process which can provide an artificial environment for aquatic plants and phreatophyte plants and treat wastewater. 人工湿地是人为创造的一个适用于水生植物或湿生植物生长的,用于处理污水一种工艺。
- Channel sink providers are stored in a chain, and the user is responsible for chaining all channel sink providers together before passing the outer one to the channel constructor. 信道接收器提供程序存储在一个链中,在向信道构造函数传递外部信道接收器提供程序之前,用户负责将所有的信道接收器提供程序链接在一起。
- Influence of ratio of carbon to nitrogen(C/N) and nitrogen source on denitrification effect in the subsurface constructed wetland were researched. 研究了C/N及氮源形式对潜流式人工湿地脱氮效果的影响。