- changed land surveying 变更调查
- A public land surveying unit of36 sections or36 square miles. 一种公共土地的测量单位,为36平方英里
- Land surveying, for example, involves 17 steps, which can take anything from a few months to several years. 比如土地测量就有17个步奏,每一个步奏都会花掉几个月到几年不等。
- Article 27 The State fosters land survey system. 第二十七条 国家建立土地调查制度。
- Ms Holcomb had intended to start with the fifth-century “Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum”, an illustrated volume about land surveying. 霍尔科姆女士原本打算以五世纪的“罗马土地测量书”开场的,这是一份有关土地调查的插图书籍。
- China land Surveying and Planning Institute (CLSPI)was established in March,1987 and is a professional enterprise belonged to State Land Administration (SLA) directly. 中国土地勘测规划院是国土资源部的直属事业单位,成立于1987年。
- The data, drawing drawings, under the bright lights, land surveying planning toon Lane Surveying and Mapping Institute of Surveying and Mapping Group members are busy with work. 整理数据,绘制图纸,明亮的灯光下,土地勘察规划测绘院红椿巷测绘组的队员们正在紧张繁忙地工作着。
- The long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. 长距离激光测距仪是特别设计用来地面测量.;它适用于远距离测量,精度高,功能广泛,便于携带,而且容易操作。它还可用于不同的环境测量,河道、航道,标竿,电信,电缆,地质测量,气象、机场、森林等。
- Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying 土地勘测学士
- In Indonesian peatlands, for example, the ASB studies found that land users earned just US$0.10 to $0.20 per tonne of CO2 equivalent lost from changing land use. 例 如,ASB对于印度尼西亚泥炭地的研究发现,土地使用者因为改变土地使用方式仅仅获得了每失去1吨二氧化碳当量0.;10-0
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale, lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- Hong Kong Principal Datum: The level to which land surveys in Hong Kong are referenced. 香港主水平基准面:香港测量土地的基础高度。
- Yellow Sea Datum: The level to which land surveys in mainland China are referenced. 黄海基准面:中国大陆测量土地的基础高度。
- I changed my plan in deference to your opinion. 我听从你的意见,改变了计划。
- He's changed into a conscientious worker. 他已成为一个工作认真的人了。
- A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey. 六英里城镇分区美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇
- The attitude of grownups has changed. 成年人的态度已有了转变。
- A line established by sighting in surveying a tract of land. 横断线在测量一块土地时通过目视确定的线
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale,lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。