- His retraction predicates a change of attitude. 他的退缩表示他态度有了变化。
- How do you account for his change of attitude? 你怎样来解释他态度的变化?
- Yaser was hurt by Steve's change of attitude. 史蒂夫态度的改变让亚瑟感到受了伤害。
- There seems to be a widespread change of attitude. 看来态度有普遍的改变。
- What prompted his change of attitude? 是什么使得他改变态度?
- There has been a change of attitude toward(s) science. 对于科学有态度上的转变。
- My roommate realized my change of attitude and joked, "Ying, when I played music before, you escaped to the library. 我的室友觉察出我的变化。 跟我开玩笑说:“瑛,以前我一放音乐,你就逃到图书馆去。
- The mechanism is r elated with change of attitude,self-efficacy and emotion state. 其作用途径与老化态度改变、自我效能和情绪状态有关。
- John Bellinger, chief legal adviser to Condoleezza Rice in the State Department, has been the driving force behind the change of attitude. Condoleezza Rice在国务院的首席法律顾问JohnBellinger一直是这股态度转变风潮背后的推动力。
- The Badger looked at him very suspiciously, but Toad's frank, open countenance made it difficult to suggest any unworthy motive in this change of attitude. 獾疑惑地望着蟾蜍,可蟾蜍那直率坦诚的表情,很难使他想到这种突然转变的背后,会有什么不良的动机。
- A change of attitude, a new association, or any of innumerable other actions will automatically set up new electromagnetic connections and break others. 态度的变化、一个新的联想或任何数不清的其他行动将自动建立新的电磁连接,并打破其他连接。
- Shake off the shackles that fetter your mind.This inescapable life lesson may sound difficult to learn, but it does not have to be-a simple change of attitude is all it takes. 说来困难却又容易,一个翻转,就能由地狱到天堂,这是每一个人终身的必修功课。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- This paper makes an analysis of the conversation between Elizabeth and Darcy in the novel Pride and Prejudice in the application of Attitude System, thus the process of the emotional change of the hero and heroine can be exposed. 本文主要应用态度系统分析小说《傲慢与偏见》中主人公伊丽莎白与达西的对话,从而揭示两者的情感转变过程。
- A statistical result of 15 days attitude data gap is presented.The varety character of attitude data is analysed, and put forward that the change of attitude quaternion is periodic. 对不连续的15天的姿态数据的间断情况做了统计,并且对姿态数据的日变化性质做了分析,提出了姿态数据变化呈周期性曲线变化的特点。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- His empaquetages are again an art of attitude. 他的“包装”又是一种艺术的姿态。
- A good pitcher has a change of pace. 一个好投手能投出速度捉摸不定的球。
- Timely changing of cross probability and mutation probability brought forth the stronger environment adaptability of attitude information. 交叉概率和变异概率的适时变化使姿态信息具备更强的环境适应性。
- The doctor urged a change of air. 医生力劝换个环境。