- change in modem times 近代转型
- In modem times, social change Went side by side with China's social transformation in Anqing. 摘要近代安庆的社会变革与近代中国的社会转型相同步。
- In modem times, people attach more importance to relations and connections. 在现代,人们更加重视各种关系和联系。
- In modem times,people attach more importance to relations and connections. 在现代,人们更加重视各种关系和联系。
- changes in modem times 近代变革
- Beccaria was the most wall known Italian criminal jurist and enlightened thinker in modem times. 摘要贝卡利亚是近代意大利最富盛名的刑法学家及启蒙思想家。
- Jeff: The Olympic Stadium built in Anthem in 1896 was the best of all in modem times,since the first Olympic Games was held here. 杰夫: 1896年雅典修建的奥林匹克运动会场是近代之最。因为 在这里举行了第一后奥运会。
- Jeff: The Olympic Stadium built in Anthem in 1896 was the best of all in modem times, since the first Olympic Games was held here. 杰夫:1896年雅典修建的奥林匹克运动会场是近代之最。 因为 在这里举行了第一后奥运会。
- There was a theoretical division of rational human nature and perceptual human nature in modem times, with the rationalism being the leader. 近代出现了以理性主义为主导,理性主义人性论和感性主义人性论的分化。
- Marx's attitude to the western human rights in modem times was affirmative from the very beginning, then turned to be disenchanting. 摘要马克思对于近代西方人权观念,经历了从最初的颂扬到其后的祛魅这样一个过程。
- The systematic plan and construction had facilitated the production and development of Mt.Lushan society in modem time. 近现代庐山系统的规划建设促成了庐山社会的生成与发展。
- Confucian, expressing the increasing significance on human ecological practice, has a plentiful culture value in modem times. 在现时代,儒家生态伦理思想日益显示出对于人类生态实践的巨大意义,具有丰富的文化理论价值。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- Some groups in the southeast in modem times like Bandang and Shipu all belong to the "pariah" These pariahs were in the lowest level of the society. 摘要近代东南不同地区的“疍户”、“九姓渔户“、“堕民”、“伴当”、“世仆”、“小姓”、“丐户”,都是事实上的“贱民”群体。
- There is an imperceptible change in temperature. 温度有细微的变化。
- We were amazed at/by the change in his appearance. 他的样子变得使我们大为惊讶。
- Science have bring about many change in our lives. 科学为我们生活带来了很多变化。
- In modem time the market position of an enterprise is largely decided by whether it can implement effective incentive mechanism to exert staff enthusiasm and creativity. 对于现代企业来说,能否成功地实施激励机制,发挥员工的积极性和创造性,直接决定其未来的市场竞争地位。
- Abstract: The boatmen in Fujian in modem time worshiped all kinds of gods, including not only the traditional gods of the Chinese, but also the God of Catholicism. 文章摘要: 近代福建船民信仰的神祗种类繁多,既有中国人传统信仰的神灵,也有天主教的上帝。
- I must see about the change in classrooms. 我得去办一下换教室的事。