- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- He has frittered away every chance he ever got. 他把到手的每个机会都糟塌掉了。
- Carefulness insures you against errors. 谨慎细致可使你避免发生差错。
- I must learn to snatch at every chance to meet him. 我必须学会抓住一切机会同他见面。
- Alas the day! We have lost such a good chance. 哎呀!我们失去了这么好的一次机会。
- He gave me no chance to reply to his question. 他没有给我回答他问题的机会。
- It's no use grieving about past errors. 为过去的错误懊悔不已是无济于事的。
- He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam. 他这次考试毫无及格的可能。
- It is useless to muse upon past errors. 念念不忘昔日的过错是没有益处的。
- A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他夺得冠军的希望极渺茫!
- He came on the off chance of finding me at home. 他来找我时是想到我或许有可能正在家中。
- There are several errors in the input. 输入中有好几处错误。
- He has been burning for a chance to visit Beijing. 他一直渴望着有机会参观北京。
- He has made serious errors of judgement. 他在判断上犯有严重错误。
- It was the chance she had been waiting for. 这就是她一直等待的机会。
- All our errors have sprung from carelessness. 我们的错误都是由于粗心而造成的。
- I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大学的机会。
- He threw away the chance of a good job. 他错过了得到一份好工作的机会。
- She will never let slip a chance to study abroad. 她绝不会错过出国学习的机会。
- He'll talk your head off if you give him a chance. 他一有机会就会对你说个没完。