- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 许多人聚集在火灾现场。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- A ragged shout went up from the small crowd. 这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。
- He has frittered away every chance he ever got. 他把到手的每个机会都糟塌掉了。
- He has mixed with crowd together but has not found. 他已同人群混杂在一起而找不到了。
- I must learn to snatch at every chance to meet him. 我必须学会抓住一切机会同他见面。
- The crowd fell back to let the ambulance through. 人群往后退,让救护车通过。
- Alas the day! We have lost such a good chance. 哎呀!我们失去了这么好的一次机会。
- He gave me no chance to reply to his question. 他没有给我回答他问题的机会。
- The crowd cried down the spokesman. 群众将那个发言人给轰了下去。
- He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam. 他这次考试毫无及格的可能。
- He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. 他挤到了人群的前面。
- He did the deed in view of a crowd of people. 他当着一群人的面干了这件事。
- A fat chance he has of winning the title! 他夺得冠军的希望极渺茫!
- He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。
- He came on the off chance of finding me at home. 他来找我时是想到我或许有可能正在家中。
- I think we could manage to crowd a few more in. 我想我们可以设法再多装几个进去。