- Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne. 白葡萄汽酒算是廉价的香槟。
- Let's lash out and have champagne. 咱们挥霍一下,喝香槟吧。
- The champagne was quaffed from huge golden goblets. 香槟酒被从金色的高脚杯里一饮而尽。
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- Why don't we crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate? 我们何不开瓶香槟酒庆祝一下呢?
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。
- He was drinking cheap champagne with a raffish air. 他喝著廉价的香槟酒,样子十分放荡。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- The champagne mantled in the glass. 玻璃杯里的香槟酒面上泛起一层泡沫。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- Let's brighten up the party with some loud music. 让咱们用响亮的音乐使聚会欢快起来。
- It's my birthday; let's crack a bottle of champagne. 今天是我的生日,让我们开一瓶香槟喝吧。
- Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。
- He is interested in music, and I in photography. 他对音乐有兴趣,而我对摄影感兴趣。
- The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。
- Music is going to be taught by Miss Lin. 音乐课将由林小姐来教。
- Men have been making music for thousands of years. 人类创作音乐已有数千年历史。
- They regaled him with champagne. 他们以香槟酒款待他。
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 这音乐夜晚听起来很好听。
- She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲。