- Who is elected chairman of the board of director ? 谁被推选为董事长?
- Who is elected chairman of the board of director? 谁被推选为董事长?
- The chairman of the board of directors of a corporation. 公司主管组成的董事会主席。
- The chairman of the Board of directors is the legal representative of the company. 董事长为公司的法定代表人。
- Mr Xing Guanghao, chairman of the Board of Directors is accompanying the American client to inspect our corp. 集团公司董事长邢广浩陪同美国客商在我厂考察。
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the China Guangdong Friendship Service for International Enterprises Co., Ltd. 广东省友谊国际企业服务有限公司董事长。
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sichuan Foreign Enterprises Service Co., Ltd. 四川省外国企业服务有限责任公司董事长。
- One would be the chairman of our board of directors, Peter Bloom, who is a friend and mentor. 其中之一是我们董事会的董事长彼得.;布鲁姆,他既是我的朋友也是我的导师。
- Ex.:Chairman of the Board of Directors is a meeting-holic. Every meeting he held is a marathon. 董事长是一个开会迷,每个会议都是一场马拉松。
- So far the shareholders’ meeting (EGM) requested by the chairman of the Board of Directors had not been appointed. 目前由董事会主席发起的股东会议还未定下日程。
- He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他对董事会有很大的影响力。
- The Guo Fan of chairman of bureau of board of directors that we brought Hui Cong net today arrives natively our spot! 我们今天请来了慧聪网的董事会局主席郭凡生来到我们的现场!
- The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. 董事会会议每年至少召开一次,由董事长召集并主持会议。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister for the Environment and Chairman of CDAC Board of Directors, has kindly consented to officiate at the function. 环境发展部长及华助会董事会主席林瑞生先生将为义工日主持仪式。
- Mr.Carty has been a member of the Company's board of directors since 1992 and for much of that time has served as chairman of the Audit Committee. 从1992年起,卡蒂一直担任戴尔董事会成员,并于很长时间内担任董事会下属审计委员会主席。
- It is learned that the Citigroup board of directors is still talking about "impeachment" the current Chairman of Bischoff. 据悉,花旗董事会还在谈论“弹劾”现任主席比斯霍夫。
- He's the honorary chairman of the committee. 他是该委员会的名誉主席。
- GM's bankruptcy-inspired corporate shakeup continues as Edward Whitacre Jr has been named the new chairman of General Motors' Board of Directors. 通用汽车公司破产的灵感企业改组继续担任小爱德华惠塔克已被任命为新主席的通用汽车公司董事局.