- ceteris paribus condition [经] 其他情况不变条件
- Ceteris paribus,a fast horse is better than a slow one. 如果其他条件相同,则一匹快马比一匹慢马要好一些。
- Ceteris paribus, a fast horse is better than a slow one. 如果其他条件相同,则一匹快马比一匹慢马要好一些。
- The tendency of many economists to sweep noneconomic factors into the dustbin of ceteris paribus is indeed regrettable. 许多经济学家倾向于将非经济因素视为垃圾,这真是令人遗憾。
- Ceteris paribus, outside the South, states with larger union memberships, more Jewish residents, and more NAACP members passed fair-housing laws sooner than others. 在一定的条件下,美国南部以外的州会比其它州更快地通过公平住房法,这些州拥有更多的联盟成员,更多的犹太居民和更多的全国有色人种协进会成员。
- If expectations of inflation increase, ceteris paribus, graphically show what happens to the interest rate, the demand of loanable funds and quantity supplied of loanable funds. 如果预期的通货膨胀率上升,不变不变,生动地表明会发生什么变化的利率,信贷资金需求的数量和提供的信贷资金。
- Multiple regression analysis is more amenable to ceteris paribus analysis because it allows us to explicitly control for many other factors that simultaneously affect the dependent variable. 多元回归分析更适合于其它条件不变情况下的分析,因为多元回归分析允许我们明确地控制许多其它也同时影响因变量的因素。
- Ceteris paribus, it is undoubtedly better to think positive thoughts than negative ones.But in the real world, all other things are never equal, no matter how sanguine your outlook. 在一切条件相同的情况下,正面想法当然要比负面的好,只不过在现实生活里,不论你的想法有多乐观,其他条件就从来不会完全相同。
- ceteris paribus 其他条件都相同, 别无其他条件
- ceteris paribus laws CP规律
- We find that ceteris paribus,companies with good news in both last year and first quarter and with higher EPS,ROE and OPE in first quarter,have greater time difference of quarter reports disclosure; 实证研究显示,上年年报和一季度季报均为“好消息”,一季度每股收益、净资产收益率和主营业务利润率高的上市公司季报披露时间间隔大;
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天锻炼锻炼,你很快会恢复健康的。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。
- You must on no condition tell him what happened. 你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。
- The patient's condition worsened during the night. 病人的情况在夜间恶化了。
- The patient was in a pitiful condition. 那个病人处于一种非常可怜的状况。
- The market offer optimum condition for sale. 市场为销售提供了最佳条件。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质
- Do more exercises or you will be out of condition. 多做锻炼否则你会身体不好的。
- This boy is being treated for a heart condition. 这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。