- Conclusion The combine bone graft is better method in anterior cervical fusion. 是目前较好的植骨融合方法之一。
- Objective. To evaluate how cervical fusion alters the peak strain of the ALL in the adjacent motion segments. 目的:评估颈椎融合是如何改变相邻运动节段的前纵韧带应力峰值。
- This study shows that clinical myelopathy augments rates of complication during cervical fusion, regardless of the approach. 本研究显示临床上脊髓病增加了颈椎融合手术的并发症发生率,且这种发病率与手术入路无关。
- This study therefore assessed the potential of plate prominence as a cause of dysphagia after anterior cervical fusion and the predictive role of preoperative osteophyte heights. 所以研究评价了前路颈椎融合术后钢板突出引起吞咽困难的可能性和术前骨赘高度的猜测作用。
- Conclusion. The assumption of an iatrogenically caused increased mobility by a one-level cervical fusion could not be confirmed 12 months after surgery. 结论:手术后12个月时,尚不能证实颈椎单节段融合后,医源性的原因导致了(相邻节段)活动度增加的这一假说。
- The article covers the clinical results of absorptive cervical fusion cage implantation, and analyze materials characteristics, indications and complications. 文章就可吸收性颈椎椎间融合器的材料特点、优越性、适应证及并发症进行综述。
- Methods: 18 patients of odontoid fracture associated with atlantoaxial dislocation were treated with C1-2posterior cervical fusion,including 7 Gallie fusion,7 Brooks fusion and 4 Apofix interlaminar clamp applications. 方法:对18例齿状突骨折并寰枢椎脱位患者行寰枢推后路融合术:包括Gallie钢丝法7例,Brooks钢丝法7例,Apofix椎板夹内固定法4例。
- Application of BAK in Anterior Cervical Fusion BAK在颈椎前路融合术中的应用
- Posterior cervical fusion for atlantoaxial instability 颈后路融合术治疗寰枢椎不稳
- Comparisons Study of Absorptive Cervical Fusion Cage on Cervical Stability 可吸收颈椎椎间融合器对颈椎稳定性影响的对比性研究
- Americans are the fusion of many different races. 美国人是各种种族人的熔合体。
- Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc. 黄铜是由铜和锌熔合制成的。
- Efficacy and turnover of allograft threaded fusion cage in anterior cervical fusion 应用异体骨螺纹融合器行颈椎前路融合的疗效分析
- Application of Orion Anterior Cervical Plate System in Anterior Cervical Fusion Surgery Orion颈前路钢板系统在颈椎前路手术中的应用
- His work is a fusion of several different styles of music. 他的作品是几种不同音乐风格的融合。
- The fusion of copper and zinc makes the metal brass. 铜和锌的熔化制成黄铜。
- Clinical observation and nursing about anterior cervical fusion with helicoid bone graft 颈椎前路螺旋状植骨融合术临床观察及护理
- A third party is formed by the fusion of independent republican and democrats. 一个第三党由共和党和民主党之独立份子联合而组成。
- Clinical observation of complications at iliac crest bone graft donor sites for anterior cervical fusion 颈前路减压自体髂骨植骨术供区晚期并发症的临床观察
- Stand-alone Cage used in cervical fusion for the improvement of neural function and pain 单纯应用Cage行颈椎椎体间融合对患者神经功能和疼痛症状的改善