- centromeric inactivation 着丝粒失活
- High Pressure inactivation of microorganisms. 微生物高压失活。
- Long sonication periods can lead to some inactivation. 长时间的声波作用可导致某种程度的失活。
- High pressure inactivation in foods of animal origin. 高压失活食品中的动物病源。
- Inactivation of HIV in blood plasma by high hydrostatic pressure. 高静水压血浆中HIV的失活。
- This inactivation may be accomplished in a variety of ways. 这种失去活性作用能以多种方式来实现。
- Mechanisms and Kinetics of Pressure Inactivation of Enzymes. 压力失活酶机制及动力学。
- Inactivation effect of chlorine dioxide on influenza viruses in water. 二氧化氯对水中流感病毒的消毒效果。
- It indicated that Cu??2+? was a synergist for inactivation of HAV by vitamin C. 这说明铜离子对维生素C灭活甲型肝炎病毒有增效作用。
- Inactivation of lipase in wheat g erm by microwave was studied in this paper . 要研究了利用微波技术钝化小麦胚芽中解脂酶的方法。
- It indicates that the oxidants all have certain inactivation on the Cyclops. 进行了几种水处理氧化剂对剑水蚤类浮游动物灭活效果的定性和定量试验研究。
- Methods 24 fresh lung cancer specimens were detected by FISH with the centromeric probes of chromosome 8,11,12 and 17. 方法用8、11、12和17号染色体的着丝粒探针与24例肺癌标本的间期细胞进行杂交检测。
- Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene was detected in 36% of meningiomas. NF2双等位基因钝化可在36%25的脑膜瘤中检测到。
- The factors that protect centromeric cohesion during meiosis I have remained elusive. 保护这种结合的因子还不是很清楚。
- Six cases for trisomy 12 were detected by one centromeric probe for 12.And del(13q14.3),del(11q23) were usually detected in normal karyotype. 12号着丝粒探针检出6例有+12;而且D13S272(13q14.;3)、ATM(11q23)缺失常发生在常规检测正常的核型。
- Methods Seventeen male fresh lung cancer specimens were detect by FISH with the centromeric probes for chromosome X and Y. 方法用X、Y号染色体的着丝粒探针与17例男性肺癌标本的间期细胞进行杂交检测。
- The destruction on inactivation of cyanide ion may be accomplished by complexion formation. 可以通过形成络合物的方法来破坏氰离子发生钝化作用。
- In contrast to centromeric DNA, structural and transient centromeric/kinetochoric proteins are conserved among eukartes including plants. 与着丝粒DNA相反,着丝粒/着丝点的结构性和瞬时蛋白质在包括植物在内的真核生物中保守。
- These findings prompted worldwide research on factors controlling the inactivation of viruses in marine waters. 这些发现促进了世界范围对海洋水体中控制病毒不复活因素的研究。
- "Dicer-Deficient Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Are Defective in Differentiation and Centromeric Silencing." Genes &Development 19, no. 4 (2005): 489-501. 第二篇用遗传学诠释了非编码在哺乳动物中心体沉默中的重要作用。